Wagner: 1357 books

Book cover of Tristan und Isolde

Tristan und Isolde

Einführung und Kommentar

by Richard Wagner, Richard Wagner, Rosmarie König
Language: German
Release Date: July 11, 2014

"Tristan und Isolde" ist in der "inneren Dimension" schwer zu messen. Kein anderes der Musikdramen Wagners ist so völlig auf ein einziges Thema konzentriert, verzichtet so weitgehend auf theatralische Handlung und ist so ausschließlich auf den Ausdruck tiefster Gefühle angelegt: die Liebe zweier Menschen,...
Book cover of Götterdämmerung


Der Ring des Nibelungen

by Richard Wagner, Richard Wagner, Rosmarie König
Language: German
Release Date: December 10, 2014

Mit der "Götterdämmerung", dem Dritten Tag, schließt Wagner seinen "Ring des Nibelungen", mit einem Vorabend und drei Tagen, alles abendfüllende, sich über Stunden hinziehende Aufführungen. Was in den vorhergehenden Teilen geschehen ist, wird hier zu Ende geführt. Gemeinsam verbrennen Brünhilde...
Book cover of Das Rheingold

Das Rheingold

Der Ring des Nibelungen

by Richard Wagner, Richard Wagner, Rosmarie König
Language: German
Release Date: December 10, 2014

"Das Rheingold" ist der 1. Teil (Vorabend) der Tetralogie "Der Ring des Nibelungen". In diesem Musikdrama Wagners kommen noch keine menschlichen Gestalten auf die Bühne. Das Drama spielt sich unter Göttern, Riesen, Zwergen (den "Nibelungen") und nixenähnlichen Wasserwesen ab. Dazu die "Urwala" Erda,...
Book cover of Das Kunstwerk der Zukunft

Das Kunstwerk der Zukunft

Neu bearbeitete Ausgabe

by Richard Wagner
Language: German
Release Date: October 5, 2016

Ob Wagnerianer oder Nicht-Wagnerianer: Vor allem die musik-dramatischen Werke von Richard Wagner haben bis heute nichts von ihrer Anziehungskraft auf Opernfreunde verloren. "Der Ring des Nibelungen", "Der fliegende Holländer" oder "Parsifal" gehören immer noch zu den meist gespielten Opern weltweit....
Book cover of Islam, Christianity and the Making of Czech Identity, 1453-1683
by Laura Lisy-Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2016

Unlike many narratives about the Czech lands, which place them on the periphery of their own history, this study considers Czechs as central characters, looking both east and west to find their place in the early modern world. Islam, Christianity and the Making of Czech Identity, 1453-1683 works through...
Book cover of Sometimes It Does Take a Brain Surgeon

Sometimes It Does Take a Brain Surgeon

Identify Your Blind Spots, Overcome Your Obstacles and Achieve Vision

by Brian E Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2017

Identify your Blind spots.Overcome your Obstacles. Create a Clear Vision for your Life.Bleeding is usually an indication of life—unless of course that bleeding occurs in your brainstem. This was Brian’s experience and it caused him to lose his sight. But providentially,...
Book cover of Amritsar 1919

Amritsar 1919

An Empire of Fear and the Making of a Massacre

by Kim Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2019

A powerful reassessment of a seminal moment in the history of India and the British Empire—the Amritsar Massacre—to mark its 100th anniversary The Amritsar Massacre of 1919 was a seminal moment in the history of the British Empire, yet it remains poorly understood. In this dramatic account,...
Book cover of A Pilgrim's Guide to the Old Catholic Church

A Pilgrim's Guide to the Old Catholic Church

100% Catholic. 0% Roman Catholic.

by Wynn Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2012

  SECOND EDITION 100% Catholic. 0% Roman Catholic. The OLD CATHOLIC CHURCH has been around for hundreds of years, but few people today know about it. Larger groups that use the word “Catholic” rarely like to admit its existence, but it does exist. It is...
Book cover of Dos Passos

Dos Passos

Artist as American

by Linda W. Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: September 10, 2014

In most of his half century of writing, John Dos Passos consistently tried to capture and define the American character. The complete range of his work builds to Dos Passos' concept of "contemporary chronicle," his own name for his fiction. In this first study of all Dos Passos' writing,...
Book cover of Sleep Medicine Pearls E-Book
by Richard B. Berry, MD, Mary H Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2014

Sleep Medicine is a rapidly growing and changing field. Experienced sleep medicine clinicians and educators Richard B. Berry, MD and Mary H. Wagner, MD present the completely revised, third edition of Sleep Medicine Pearls featuring 150 cases that review key elements in the evaluation and management...
Book cover of Making and Breaking Mathematical Sense

Making and Breaking Mathematical Sense

Histories and Philosophies of Mathematical Practice

by Roi Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 2017

In line with the emerging field of philosophy of mathematical practice, this book pushes the philosophy of mathematics away from questions about the reality and truth of mathematical entities and statements and toward a focus on what mathematicians actually do—and how that evolves and changes over...
Book cover of Not Always Happy

Not Always Happy

An Unusual Parenting Journey

by Kari Wagner-Peck
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2017

There are many books in the market about giving birth to children with Down syndrome and how to raise them, but Not Always Happy adds a new dimension to this topic by focusing on the adoption of a child in foster care with Down syndrome by parents who married later in life. One of only a few...
Book cover of On Conducting
by Richard Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2013

On Conducting Richard Wagner, german composer, theatre director, polemicist, and conductor (1813-1883) This ebook presents «On Conducting », from Richard Wagner. A dynamic table of contents enables to jump directly to the chapter selected. Table of Contents -01- About this...
Book cover of Yellowstone's Destabilized Ecosystem

Yellowstone's Destabilized Ecosystem

Elk Effects, Science, and Policy Conflict

by Frederic H. Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: May 25, 2006

Wagner, one of our most distinguished wildlife biologists, is a strong critic of ecological practices in the national parks. This book provides an assessment of the ecological history of Yellowstone's northern range, since before the park existed, showing the impact of US Park Service policies on...
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