Wagner: 1357 books

Book cover of Mental Illness in the Workplace

Mental Illness in the Workplace

Psychological Disability Management

by Henry G. Harder, Shannon Wagner, Josh Rash
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2016

The extent of mental illness concerns in the workforce is becoming increasingly apparent. Stress, depression, anxiety, workplace bullying and other issues are costing businesses billions every year in lost productivity, poor treatments and employee retention. Unless appropriately addressed, issues...
Book cover of ERP 68 Success Secrets - 68 Most Asked Questions On ERP - What You Need To Know
by Jason Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2013

There has never been a ERP Guide like this. ERP 68 Success Secrets is not about the ins and outs of ERP . Instead, it answers the top 68 questions that we are asked and those we come across in our forums, consultancy and education programs. It tells you exactly how to deal with those questions,...
Book cover of The Reform of the German Health Sector: Integrated Service Delivery Systems - Cost Containment and Quality Enhancement - Attaining Diverging Ends by Similar Means
by David Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2006

Bachelor Thesis from the year 2006 in the subject Economy - Health Economics, grade: 1.3, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg (Institute of Social Medicine and Health Economics), 81 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: With reforms in the years 2000 and 2004, respectively,...
Book cover of Software Product Quality Control
by Stefan Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2013

Quality is not a fixed or universal property of software; it depends on the context and goals of its stakeholders. Hence, when you want to develop a high-quality software system, the first step must be a clear and precise specification of quality. Yet even if you get it right and complete, you can...
Book cover of Multi-Channel-Vertrieb: Chancen und Risiken des Vertriebs über das Internet
by Simon Wagner
Language: German
Release Date: April 15, 2013

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2013 im Fachbereich BWL - Handel und Distribution, Note: 1,3, AKAD University, ehem. AKAD Fachhochschule Stuttgart, Veranstaltung: Marketingmanagement, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Multi-Channel-Management bietet die Möglichkeit, Kunden über mehrere Vertriebskanäle anzusprechen....


Book cover of God


An Honest Conversation for the Undecided

by E. Glenn Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2010

Why do so many of God’s followers seem to prefer their boxed-in religion over God? Listen to their rhetoric and you might wonder how a Supreme Being could be so narrow and small, so angry and unattractive. It’s time to start over with an honest conversation instead of a box. If God does...
Book cover of The Power of Experience

The Power of Experience

Principals Talk about School Improvement

by Linda K. Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2012

The Power of Experience: Principals Talk about School Improvement is a guide for principals, both aspiring and established, who hope to make a measurable difference in the achievement of all students, and who strive to create a positive, safe, and student-centered learning environment in their schools....
Book cover of Predator Versus Judge Dredd Versus Aliens

Predator Versus Judge Dredd Versus Aliens

Incubus and Other Stories

by John Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2014

Dredd is the most lethal of the highly-trained and obscenely well-armed law enforcement agency known as the Judges, tasked with keeping the sprawling metropolis of Mega-City One from descending into chaos and anarchy. But now Dredd and the other Judges are all that stand between the universe's most...
Book cover of Wild River
by Vincent Wagner, Roger Seiter
Language: French
Release Date: July 20, 2016

Alors jeune soldat de l’armée américaine, Robert Frazer a participé à l’expédition des capitaines Lewis et Clark entre 1804 et 1806. Pour la première fois, un corps expéditionnaire américain remontait le Missouri, traversait les Rocheuses et descendait la Columbia jusqu’au Pacifique....
Book cover of Terra Mechanica
by Terri Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2014

In an alternative past with an unrealized future, trek around the world and beyond in nine separate adventures, in the ships locomotives, and flying machines that power the Steampunk universe.DOTS, DASHES, AND DECEIT by Jay Barnson: A telegraph operator finds herself displaced by advancing...
Book cover of 生命如何創新:大自然的演化創新力從何而來?
by 安德里亞斯.華格納(Andreas Wagner)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 9, 2018

天擇也許能解釋「適者生存」,但無法解釋「適存者的到來」。 大師級科學家華格納提出「創新力法則」,揭開演化令人震驚的隱藏結構! ▍《金融時報》2015年度選書 ▍清華大學生命科學系助理教授黃貞祥_策劃、審訂、導讀 ▍臺灣大學生命科學系副教授丁照棣_專文推薦 達爾文發表《物種起源》的百餘年後,始終存在耐人尋味的一道難題: 自然界中的「創新」究竟是如何發生的? 一八五九年,達爾文發表《物種起源》,他的天擇理論解釋了有用的適應性如何隨時間被保存下來,但同時也製造了演化的最大疑問:「生物的適應性是怎麼出現的?」 地球上第一個生命誕生至今,三十八億年間發生的隨機突變,真的可以為翅膀、眼球、偽裝、乳糖消化、光合作用,以及其他自然創造的驚奇負責嗎?假若答案是否定的,那麼演化的速度和相對效率背後的機制又是什麼呢? 當年達爾文不知道什麼是突變、基因、DNA雙螺旋、轉錄與轉譯作用、DNA定序,也缺乏遺傳學、生物化學、分子生物學甚至處理大量資訊的知識和技術,但他早在一百六十年前提出的遠大洞見開啟了生物學百家爭鳴般的精采發現——如今,我們終於有能力朝「生物適應性的出現」這個巨大謎團靠近了! 全球知名的演化生物學家安德里亞斯.華格納憑藉超過十五年的研究,呈現出達爾文理論遺失的拼圖。利用早期科學家意想不到的實驗性及計算性技術,他發現驅動適應的不只是偶然,而是一套法則,允許大自然在隨機變異上花費的小部分時間裡,發現新的分子與運作機制。 一絲不苟地研究、仔細地論證、充滿感召力地寫作,並列舉了五花八門又迷人的實例,《生命如何創新》獻上生命豐富多樣性謎團的最後一片拼圖。 ▍同聲推薦 李文雄(中央研究院院士,生物多樣性研究中心特聘研究員) 林仲平(國立台灣師範大學生命科學系教授) 李壽先(國立台灣師範大學生命科學系教授) 蔡怡陞(生物多樣性研究中心助研究員) 鄭國威(PanSci泛科學總編輯) 顏聖紘(國立中山大學生物科學系副教授) ▍媒體書評 ★...
Book cover of Judge Dredd - Tome 1 - Origines
by Carlos Ezquerra, John Wagner
Language: French
Release Date: May 2, 2017

LES ORIGINES DE LA LOIAprès la découverte d’une information jugée ultra-sensible, JUDGE DREDD est envoyé dans la Terre Maudite, la zone irradiée qui recouvre la majeure partie du territoire américain, pour une mission qui le plongera dans l’origine « confidentielle » des Juges et de Mega-City...
Book cover of Star Wars Omnibus

Star Wars Omnibus

Shadows of the Empire

by Steve Perry, Michael A. Stackpole, John Wagner
Language: English
Release Date: January 13, 2010

Collects Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire #1-6, Star Wars: Mara Jade - By The Emperor's Hand #0-6, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire - Evolution #1-5. In the time between the events in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, Princess Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca attempt to rescue...
Book cover of Genius Loci

Genius Loci

Tales of the Spirit of Place

by Seanan McGuire, Jaym Gates, Ken Liu
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2016

Tales of guardian spirits and divine powers by Seanan McGuire, Ken Liu, Alethea Kontis, Laura Anne Gilman, Scott Edelman and more. Guardian spirits. Divine presences. Demonic powers. Ghosts. The concept of "genius loci" is indeed an ancient one, found in nearly every human mythology. Genius...
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