Wallace: 3062 books

Book cover of Una cosa divertente che non farò mai più
by David Foster Wallace
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 14, 2010

Un capolavoro di comicità e virtuosismo stilistico con cui i lettori italiani hanno conosciuto il genio letterario di David Foster Wallace. Commissionatogli inizialmente come articolo per la prestigiosa rivista Harper's, questo reportage narrativo da una crociera extralusso ai Caraibi - iniziato...
Book cover of Renewing Your Mind: The Dynamics of Transformation
by Rick Wallace Ph.D, Psy.D.
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2012

As I observe the plight of the modern day Christian I see believers that are consumed by the darkness around them. I see professed Christians that have bought into the secular world views that dominate our society. As followers of Christ we have been given some powerful and infallible assets to walk...
Book cover of Is He The One? Finding And Keeping Your Soulmate
by Kelly Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2017

If you're tired of being alone or going from one Mr. Wrong to another, Is He The One? Finding and Keeping your Soulmate can change all that! Through easy yet effective exercises, affirmations, and total life transformation tips, Kelly shows you how to dump negative relationship patterns and...
Book cover of Passion And Parsecs
by Kelly Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2017

Krista made a vow to avoid men at all costs, until a sexy spaceman lands in her life. After a car accident that killed her cheating fiance and left her physically and emotionally scarred, Krista Roberts puts her modeling career on hold, hoping to find elusive peace by living a rustic life in...
Book cover of Working With Your Angels: Learn To Contact Your Angels And Recognize Their Loving Guidance
by Kelly Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2018

Your angels are with you all the time, just waiting for you to ask for their help. Once you learn how to communicate with these loving beings get ready to finally live the life you've always wanted. They will hear you and will begin to work with you. Their messages come through in many ways, and all...
Book cover of The Spiritual Life: Grow & Nurture Your Soul and Relationships
by Kelly Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2018

The subject of spirituality is huge. It's also different from one person to the next. But, every human on this planet has something in common: They want to be happier and healthier. It seems like it should be such a simple thing to pursue, yet so few accomplish it in any big way. Why is it...
Book cover of The Sacred River
by Wendy Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2014

A romantic, vivid novel about three women who leave Victorian London for Egypt—a tale of female empowerment, self-discovery, love, and the absolution that comes from facing the secrets of our pasts. Harriet Heron’s life is almost over before it has even begun. At just twenty-three years...
Book cover of Ethics and Values in Librarianship
by Wallace Koehler
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2015

Ethics and Values in Librarianship: A History addresses the processes of development of library and information sciences, largely but not exclusively in a western context. It focuses on the field’s ethics and values. Here, Wallace Koehler, a leading researcher in the area of information ethics,...
Book cover of Cities and Stability

Cities and Stability

Urbanization, Redistribution, and Regime Survival in China

by Jeremy Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2014

China's management of urbanization is an under-appreciated factor in the regime's longevity. The Chinese Communist Party fears "Latin Americanization" -- the emergence of highly unequal megacities with their attendant slums and social unrest. Such cities threaten the survival of nondemocratic regimes....
Book cover of Der leuchtende Schlüssel
by Edgar Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: January 11, 2016

Der Ganove Horace Tom Tickler wird mitten in London erschossen in einem fremden Auto gefunden. Auf einer kleinen Karte, die beim Toten gefunden wird und die an Chefinspektor Smith adressiert ist, steht: 'Wenn Sie wissen wollen, wer den armen Mr. Tickler ermordet hat, erkundigen Sie sich am besten...
Book cover of Die Schatzkammer
by Edgar Wallace, AA. VV.
Language: German
Release Date: February 26, 2015

Mr. Reeder ermittelt in einem speziellen Fall: Verschwundene Goldbarren, ein Mord und eine Erbin, die sich nicht frei bewegen kann. Glücklicherweise mischt sich Larry O'Ryan ein, der sich in die hübsche Erbin verliebt. Er versucht, sie zu befreien, was allerdings misslingt.
Book cover of Geheimagent Nr. 6
by Edgar Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: February 17, 2016

Cäsar Valentine ist reich und berühmt. Niemand weiß, womit er seinen Vermögen verdient und als mehrere seiner Geschäftspartner das Zeitliche segnen, schickt Polizeichef Hallett von Scotland Yard einen Agenten nach Paris, sein Deckname ist »Nummer Sechs«. Nach einem Jahr hat Hallett monatelang...
Book cover of Der Lügendetektor
by Edgar Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: January 22, 2016

'Captain' Mannering lebt äußerst zurückgezogen in Hexleigh Manor, einem Landgut in schlechtem Zustand, das in einem großen Park liegt. Mr. Reeder, ein etwas seltsamer Mann, der gerne Scotland Yard zuarbeitet, hat schon länger ein Auge auf Mr. Mannering geworfen. Dann verschwindet die Schwester...
Book cover of Mary Ferrara spielt System
by Edgar Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: March 8, 2016

Mr. Billington Stabbat hat eine Schwäche für Frauen, ist aber ein gewiefter Detektiv. George Briscoe ist ein Verbrecher mit einer tödlichen Wut auf Billington Stabbat und Mary Ferrara ist eine Frau, die im Spielcasino Unsummen verspielt und gewinnt, aber kein Geld hat.
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