Wallace D : 136 books

Book cover of A ciência para ficar rico
by Wallace D. Wattles
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 28, 2015

     Sim, existe uma ciência pra ficar rico e é uma ciência tão exata quanto a matemática.      Este livro é pragmático, não filosófico. Um manual prático, não um tratado teórico. Ele é...
Book cover of Hypersonic Inviscid Flow
by Wallace D. Hayes, Ronald F. Probstein
Language: English
Release Date: July 13, 2012

This treatment of the branch of fluid mechanics known as hypersonic inviscid flow offers a self-contained, unified view of nonequilibrium effects, body geometries, and similitudes available in hypersonic flow and thin shock layer theory. Seeking to cultivate readers' appreciation of theory, the text...
Book cover of Die Wissenschaft des Reichwerdens
by Wallace D. Wattles
Language: German
Release Date: April 12, 2018

Für die eBook-Ausgabe neu editiert, voll verlinkt, und mit eBook-Inhaltsverzeichnis || "Ein unschlagbarer zeitloser Klassiker, der beste Ratgeber seiner Art – bis heute. Es ist erstaunlich, dass noch immer vielen Menschen die darin steckenden Geheimnisse unbekannt sind." | Dieses Buch...
Book cover of La Ciencia de Hacerse Rico (Traducción: David De Angelis)
by Wallace D. Wattles
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 13, 2019

Existe una Ciencia para hacerse rico, y es una ciencia exacta, como lo son el álgebra o las matemáticas. Hay ciertas leyes que gobiernan el proceso de adquirir la riqueza; unas leyes que, una vez aprendidas y seguidas por cualquier hombre, harán que se enriquezca con una certeza matemática. Se...
Book cover of Your Mind is the Genesis of Your Destiny: An Introduction to the Power of Thought
by Rick Wallace Ph.D, Psy.D.
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2017

Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D. is a leading life strategist and business strategist that works with people from all backgrounds and walks of life in order to help them experience life at an optimal level in every area of their existence. Dr. Wallace has written and published more than 18 books, countless...
Book cover of When Your House is Not a Home
by Rick Wallace Ph.D, Psy.D.
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2013

America has the largest dating culture in the world, but yet it boasts the highest divorce rate. To exacerbate the matter, the divorce rate among believers is as high as non-believers. Dr. Wallace engages the enigmatic issues that are plaguing marriages in a America in a powerful, yet succinct way.He...
Book cover of Galaxy Science Fiction Super Pack #2

Galaxy Science Fiction Super Pack #2

With linked Table of Contents

by Fritz Leiber, Philip K. Dick, Stanley R. Lee
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2016

Edited by H. L. Gold, 'Galaxy Science Fiction' hit the scene in 1950 and quickly became the leading science fiction magazine of its time. ‘Galaxy’ gave a home to writers that didn't fit into ‘Astounding’ and ‘F&SF,’ and readers rejoiced. In this first 'Galaxy Science Fiction Super...
Book cover of Living Life at the Next Level ~ Learning How to Live Life at the Level of Your Design!
by Rick Wallace Ph.D, Psy.D.
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2014

I was inspired to write this book because I discovered certain common denominators among those people who I have counseled who had a history of failure or simply living in perpetual mediocrity. They desired change, but they did not understand the dynamics of change. This book is not meant to be a...
Book cover of Born In Captivity: Psychopathology as a Legacy of Slavery
by Rick Wallace Ph.D, Psy.D.
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2017

Born in Captivity is my 19th book to reach publication, and it is also the most in-depth and comprehensive book thus far. It is a reflection of the more than 50,000 hours of research conducted over the last 20 plus years. In this book, I confront the darkness that is normally avoided at all cost —...
Book cover of 10 Herbs & Spices to Aid Weight Loss
by Rick Wallace Ph.D, Psy.D.
Language: English
Release Date: May 7, 2014

The numbers concerning obesity in America are staggering. More than 66 percent of the people in our nation are either overweight or obese. That means that two thirds of our nation has an issue with excess weight. Taking an even deeper look into this enigmatic issue reveals that more than 35 percent...
Book cover of 10 Essential Elements of Healthy Weight Loss
by Rick Wallace Ph.D, Psy.D.
Language: English
Release Date: May 5, 2014

It is extremely hard in today’s culture for people to effectively manage their weight. This is evidenced by the fact that more than 66 percent of all Americans are either considered obese or overweight. Several years ago obesity reach a level that caused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
Book cover of The Power of Christian Healing Affirmations
by Rick Wallace Ph.D, Psy.D.
Language: English
Release Date: December 29, 2013

There are many debates among theologians and laymen alike concerning what the Bible says about healing. Does supernatural healing still take place? Can words spoken in faith carry the power to heal? Is all sickness and disease due to the immediate sins of the one being afflicted? These are just some...
Book cover of Special Education As a Socioeconomic Weapon
by Rick Wallace Ph.D, Psy.D.
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2017

This book was commissioned by The Odyssey Project for the purpose of establishing an official position on an enigmatic issue that has been at the core of multitudinous conundrums within the black collective. For more nearly 40 years the special education system in the U.S. has been used as a mechanism...
Book cover of Renewing Your Mind: The Dynamics of Transformation
by Rick Wallace Ph.D, Psy.D.
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2012

As I observe the plight of the modern day Christian I see believers that are consumed by the darkness around them. I see professed Christians that have bought into the secular world views that dominate our society. As followers of Christ we have been given some powerful and infallible assets to walk...
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