Walt: 674 books

Book cover of Discipleship Bands: A Practical Field Guide
by Mark Benjamin, John David Walt
Language: English
Release Date: September 10, 2018

A discipleship band is a group of three to five people who read together, pray together, and meet together to become the love of God for one another and the World.
Book cover of Love Beyond Reason
by Walter B. "Walt" Hofmann
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2016

Everyone loves a love story. We all want to believe that we have value and that we are not alone. We all want to know that someone loves us, and that the sun rises and sets on us at least for somebody. Such is the truth behind the Song of Solomon. It is the most tender expression...
Book cover of Rolling in Special Dirt
by Walt Babich
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2015

What do an organic farmer, a squirrel, a nineteenth century composer of minstrel songs,a Civil War surgeon, an unsuccessful musician, a dominatrix, an incompetent worker at a co-op, a couple of power crazed cops and a prehistoric flint knapper have in common? Who is real and who is unreal? Why do...
Book cover of Foglie d'erba - O Capitano! mio Capitano!
by Walt Whitman
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 13, 2015

Una delle raccolte di poesie più suggestive nella storia della letteratura americana, 'Foglie d'erba' è senz'altro il punto più alto della lirica di Whitman. Pubblicato per celebrare il giorno dell'indipendenza americana del 1855, è composto da una lunga serie di versi non divisi in strofe, senza...
Book cover of Nemesis Syndrome

Nemesis Syndrome

A Wolfe Adventure Novel

by Walt Branam
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2016

Tom and Terry Wolfe have agreed to help the FBI finally bring Vernon Crassman to justice. The evil billionaire has become a bitter, hateful man living in constant pain and agony due to the horrendous injuries he suffered during his last confrontation with the Wolfes. His injuries deprive him of sleep,...
Book cover of My Retirement from the Agency

My Retirement from the Agency

A Wolfe Adventure Novel

by Walt Branam
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2018

John Wolfe has spent his entire life in the shadow world of electronic espionage but now the master spy wants nothing more than to retire quietly. However, on the morning of his retirement party, he finds himself under surveillance, learns his best friend has been murdered, and is offered several...
Book cover of Time Sharing
by Walt Dodge
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2016

Allen Jackson, an attorney with a heightened sense of Right and Wrong, has spent his career fighting for the victims of a society that has gotten so far off -track by political correctness nothing seems correct anymore. He attends a Timeshare Presentation where he wins the prize -- a prototype Lamborghini. Later,...
Book cover of The Wound Dresser
by Walt Whitman
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2018

*** Original and Unabridged Content. Made available by GOLDEN CLASSIC PRESS*** Synopsis: People through our Northern cities have little or no idea of the great and prominent feature which these military hospitals and convalescent camps make in and around Washington. There are not merely two or three or a dozen, but some fifty of them, of different degrees of capacity
Book cover of The Clan
by Walt Fergus
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2011

Teacher sent word out to all the clan: a meeting was to be held and all Elders would attend. The Elders of the Clan had gathered, waiting for Teacher to arrive and tell them what she saw. Teacher arrived and after all the formalities were completed, Teacher declared: Time has arrived when a new teacher...
Book cover of Jimsy and the Monsters
by Walt Sheldon
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2016

Science fiction, in collaboration with the idea-men and technicians of Hollywood, has been responsible for many horrors, dating back to “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari” and “The Lost World.” But Hollywood has created one real-life horror that tops all creations of fantasy—the child star. In this story we at last see such a brat meet Things from Alien Space.
Book cover of De blauwe monnik
by Paul McCusker, Walt Larimore
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 3, 2012

Een eeuwenoude ziekte, een hedendaagse pandemie... en alle hoop is gevestigd op iemand die al 350 jaar dood is. In 1666 stierf bijna elke inwoner van het Engelse plaatsje Eyam aan een vreselijke ziekte. Eeuwen later keert de ziekte terug, in gemuteerde vorm, en gevaarlijker dan ooit. Elke dag komen...
Book cover of De griepbom
by Paul McCusker, Walt Larimore
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 21, 2012

Massa's mensen sterven aan een onbekend virus. Terwijl het TSI-team een medicijn probeert te vinden, gebeurt een volgende ramp. Een ecoterroristische groepering plaatst een griepbom. In één klap is al het drinkwater onbruikbaar. Tegen de tijd dat de Time Scene Investigators erachter zijn dat de...
Book cover of Giorni rappresentativi
by Walt Whitman
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 9, 2015

Eccoci all'epoca della guerra civile americana: a quel tempo Whitman prestava soccorso negli ospedali da campo dell'Unione e le ristrettezze, le difficoltà, le angosce della guerra costituirono un elemento di estremo contrasto con gli ideali di libertà e gioia di vivere dell'individuo che avevano...
Book cover of The Veteran
by Walt Dodge
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2018

In writing this work, my sole purpose was to bring to the forefront the true tragedy of the Vietnam Warthe treatment of the returning veteran. Im happy to say we have made great strides to correct that fault. But it isnt enough, and we can never allow it to happen again. I further attempted to decry...
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