Wilhelm Grimm: 273 books

Book cover of Mein Reckless Märchenbuch
by Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm, Cornelia Funke
Language: German
Release Date: September 1, 2012

Grimms Märchen in der Welt hinter dem Spiegel. Es war einmal eine berühmte Autorin, die eine besondere Leidenschaft für Märchen hegte. Von Aschenputtel bis zum Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren vereint diese persönliche Anthologie von Cornelia Funke, pünktlich zum 200-jährigen Grimm-Jubiläum,...
Book cover of Cenicienta
by Charles Perrault, Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 29, 2015

Cenicienta suele identificarse con la heroína de vida trágica que espera el amor de un príncipe y con la idea moral de que el bien siempre triunfa sobre el mal. Se trata de un personaje cuyos orígenes se remontan a la antigüedad clásica y que presenta cierta simbología que podemos encontrar...
Book cover of Little Red Riding Hood
by Wilhelm Grimm
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2016

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD from "Brothers Grimm" ONCE upon a time... in the middle of a thick forest stood a small cottage, the home of a pretty little girl known to everyone as Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her Mummy waved her goodbye at the garden gate, saying, "Grandma...
Book cover of Selected Folktales/Ausgewählte Märchen
by Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm
Language: English
Release Date: May 5, 2014

The 27 world-famous tales in this collection have inspired countless adaptations in many languages. Included are such favorites as "Hänsel and Gretel," "The Brave Little Tailor," "Cinderella," and "Little Red Riding Hood," as well as the less familiar tales...
Book cover of Snow White and Other Fairy Tales
by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2013

Among the most beloved tales of childhood, the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm have enchanted generations of children. Now 11 of the best stories have been collected in this handy volume. In addition to the title story, the selections include "The Brave Little Tailor," "The...
Book cover of La gallina de los huevos de oro
by Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 17, 2012

Un granjero y su esposa se encuentran con que una de sus gallinas pone huevos de oro. Pero no contentos con esperar a la puesta de la gallina, deciden matarla pensando que tiene una mina en su interior. Cuando descubren que no es así, caen en la cuenta de que mejor les hubiera valido conservar lo que tenían.
Book cover of Blancanieves y los siete enanitos
by Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 17, 2012

Había una vez una pequeña princesa que tenía la piel blanca como la nieve, los labios y mejillas rojos como la sangre y los cabellos negros como el ébano. Su nombre era Blancanieves.
Book cover of The Wolf and the seven little goats - fixed layout
by Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2014

A mother goat leaves her seven children at home while she ventures into the forest to find food. Before she leaves, she warns her young about the Big Bad Wolf who will try to sneak into the house and gobble them up. The Big Bad Wolf will pretend to be their mother and convince the kids to open the...
Book cover of Sleeping Beauty and Other Fairy Tales
by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2013

Magic spells, evil witches, handsome princes, and beautiful maidens abound in this entertaining collection of beloved stories. Selected from over 200 tales collected in the nineteenth century by the Brothers Grimm, the 10 selections in this volume include "Sleeping Beauty," "Hansel...
Book cover of Nain Tracassin
by Jacob et Wilhelm Grimm
Language: French
Release Date: April 3, 2015

Nain Tracassin est un petit conte populaire des frères Grimm .Dans le folklore germanique médiéval, le Nain était une créature surnaturelle, comparable au gobelin, au kobold ou aux esprits bruyants...
Book cover of La Petite Gardeuse d'Oies
by Jacob et Wilhelm Grimm
Language: French
Release Date: April 5, 2015

La Petite Gardeuse d'oies est un petit conte de fées des frères Grimm...
Book cover of Les Douze Chasseurs
by Jacob et Wilhelm Grimm
Language: French
Release Date: April 4, 2015

Une jeune fille promise à l'amour d'un prince et dont les circonstances l'éloigneront de son bien-aimé... Grâce à la persévérance de l'amante et à la perspicacité d'un lion qui "avait dit la vérité", les...
Book cover of L'oie d'Or
by Jacob et Wilhelm Grimm
Language: French
Release Date: April 4, 2015

L'Oie d'or est le titre d'un conte de Grimm. Le début du conte met en scène trois frères. Le troisième, martyrisé par ses frères qui l'ont surnommé Benêt, est le héros de l'histoire.  Celle-ci commence dans une forêt,...
Book cover of Märchen 2
by Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm
Language: German
Release Date: September 30, 2009

eBook im epub-Format 37 S. Breite Popularität bekamen die Grimmschen Märchen mit der Herausgabe der „Kleinen Ausgabe“, die ihr Bruder Ludwig Emil illustrierte. Bis heute sind Grimms Märchen ein Synonym für das deutsche Märchen schlechthin. „Märchen 2“ ergänzt die HörGut! Ausgabe „Märchen...
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