William Gibson: 72 books

Book cover of The Church of England 1688-1832
by Dr William Gibson, William Gibson
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2012

A wide ranging new history of a key period in the history of the church in England, from the 'Glorious Revolution' of 1688-89 to the Great Reform Act of 1832. This was a tumultuous time for both church and state, when the relationship between religion and politics was at its most fraught. This book...
Book cover of Darwin's Bastards

Darwin's Bastards

Astounding Tales from Tomorrow

by William Gibson, Douglas Coupland, Yann Martel
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2010

These 23 stories take us on a twisted fun ride into some future times and parallel universes where characters as diverse as a one-legged International Actuarial Forensics specialist, a pharmaceutical guinea pig, and a far-sighted fetus engage in their own games of the survival of the fittest. From...
Book cover of A Brief History of Britain 1660 - 1851
by William Gibson
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2011

How Great Britain was born - from the restoration to the Great Exhibition. In 1660 England emerged from the devastations of the Civil Wars and restored the king, Charles II, to the throne. Over the next 190 years Britain would establish itself as the leading nation in the world - the centre...
Book cover of Who Am I? A Novel of Self-Exorcism
by William Gibson White
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2015

Why would a young man ask himself this question: “Who Am I?”Surviving the Korean War made Pat Payne question the past and future and whether he would continue to exist. Or want to. In high school, he learned letterpress printing and went to work as a printer apprentice after graduating. When the...
Book cover of Rings of Death
by William Gibson White
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2012

After Charlie’s father escaped death in Georgia from the Ku Klux Klan, who murdered his parents, raped and killed his sisters, he fled. He hopped a freight train he hoped was headed north where Negroes were treated fairly. Two days later when he saw blacks working in fields, he jumped off. He soon...
Book cover of A Writer Writes
by William Gibson White
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2012

Some in this collection of not so politically, socially correct newspaper articles had to be re-written before editors would publish them. Others not published at all because of the author's feelings about religion, race, gender and politics. Basically, White believes this world is big enough...
Book cover of Sex and the Church in the Long Eighteenth Century

Sex and the Church in the Long Eighteenth Century

Religion, Enlightenment and the Sexual Revolution

by William Gibson, Joanne Begiato
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2017

The Long Eighteenth Century was the Age of Revolutions, including the first sexual revolution. In this era, more tolerant sexual attitudes prevailed and there was a marked increase in the discussion of morality, extra-marital sex, pornography and same-sex relationships in both print and visual culture...
Book cover of Historia cero
by William Gibson
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 2, 2012

Hollis, investigadora de tendencias de avanzada y ex cantante, vuelve a trabajar para el magnate del marketing global Hubertus Bigend en el último de sus planes lunáticos y brillantes: investigar las sutiles conexiones que existen entre el diseño de ropa para combate militar y los últimos avances...
Book cover of La máquina diferencial
by Bruce Sterling, William Gibson
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 9, 2012

La Revolución Industrial está en pleno apogeo, impulsada por mecanismos cibernéticos de vapor. Charles Babbage perfecciona su máquina analítica y la era de la informática llega con un siglo de anticipación. Pero con el cambio llega la inestabilidad social: los luditas, grupo subversivo en contra...
Book cover of Cyberspace -

Cyberspace -


by William Gibson
Language: German
Release Date: March 31, 2015

Willkommen im Cyberspace! Datenkuriere mit gefährlicher Software im Hirn; Konsolencowboys, die auf virtuellen Highways unterwegs sind; Hacker, die jede Verschlüsselung knacken, wenn am Ende nur die Kohle stimmt; aufgemotzte Körper und Gehirne mit Upgrades – das alles ist Gibsons Cyberpunk....
Book cover of Johnny Mnemonic

Johnny Mnemonic


by William Gibson
Language: German
Release Date: March 31, 2015

Datenträger Dank jeder Menge High-Tech-Implantate im Gehirn kann Johnny Daten speichern, die man nicht unbedingt in einem Computernetzwerk haben will, und sie physisch von einem Kunden zum anderen transportieren. Was er da im Kopf hat, weiß er nicht, und wenn die Informationen mit einem geheimen...
Book cover of Der Wintermarkt

Der Wintermarkt


by William Gibson
Language: German
Release Date: March 31, 2015

Technische Unsterblichkeit In der nicht allzu fernen Zukunft ist es problemlos möglich, das individuelle Bewusstsein in einen Supercomputer hochzuladen, wo es weiterhin als Individuum agieren kann. Doch wie sehen Beziehungen in einer solchen Welt aus – zwischenmenschliche und die zum eigenen...
Book cover of Chrom brennt

Chrom brennt


by William Gibson
Language: German
Release Date: March 31, 2015

Willkommen im Cyberspace! Zwei begabte Hacker, Bobby Quine und Automatic Jack, beschließen, durch einen Cyberangriff das Konto Chroms leerzuräumen, der gewieften, grausamen Puffmutter im Haus der Blauen Lichter. Sie wollen reich und berühmt werden und dadurch ein Mädchen namens Rikki Wildside...
Book cover of Wahlverwandte



by William Gibson, John Shirley
Language: German
Release Date: March 31, 2015

In einem anderen Licht Coretti ist ein zurückhaltender Typ, ein scheuer College-Professor. Als er in einer kleinen Bar eine wunderschöne Frau sieht, die perfekt in ihre Umgebung passt, spendiert er ihr zwar einen Drink, aber die Schöne verschwindet kurz darauf. Als Coretti ihr kurzentschlossen...
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