William Lee: 134 books

Book cover of Over 50 Feeling 30!
by William H. Lee, M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2011

Answering "YES" to any of these questions may be cause to read this book! WOMEN DO YOU WANT TO: • Get rid of hot fl ashes, night sweats and brain fog? • Know the truth about bioidentical hormone safety? • Bring back the libido? • Lose the extra weight? • Control the Moody Blues? • Stop being...
Book cover of NO FAT: The Secret to Dieting
by Lee William Tisler
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2013

I was lied to about my weight. I tried one diet after the next and sometimes lost a little weight and felt great for a short time. Only to put the weight straight back on again and with it, my self-esteem plummeted. I tried one diet and could see only failure before I even started. I knew thousands...
Book cover of Blockheads!


Essays on Ned Block's Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness

by Bill Brewer, Ned Block, Tyler Burge
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2019

New essays on the philosophy of Ned Block, with substantive and wide-ranging responses by Block. Perhaps more than any other philosopher of mind, Ned Block synthesizes philosophical and scientific approaches to the mind; he is unique in moving back and forth across this divide, doing so with...
Book cover of The Chinese Medicine Diet
by Lee William Tisler
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2011

Losing weight doesn’t have to be difficult. In this book we look at Chinese Medicine as food therapy, how it can be used to assist in losing weight, changing our eating habits and replacing them with good eating habits. Also there are valuable Western methods that I have developed and I tie it in with the ancient Chinese knowledge.
Book cover of The Law of Higher Education, 2 Volume Set
by William A. Kaplin, Barbara A. Lee
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2013

Make sure you have a copy on your bookshelf. The Law of Higher Education, Fifth Edition, is the most up-to-date and comprehensive reference, research source, and practical legal guide for college and university administrators, campus attorneys, legal counsel, and institutional researchers,...
Book cover of An Introduction to Nuclear Waste Immobilisation
by William E Lee, William E. Lee, Michael I. Ojovan
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2010

Safety and environmental impact is of uppermost concern when dealing with the movement and storage of nuclear waste. The 20 chapters in 'An Introduction to Nuclear Waste Immobilisation' cover all important aspects of immobilisation, from nuclear decay, to regulations, to new technologies and methods....
Book cover of Never Fear - The Apocalypse
by William F. Nolan, Matthew Costello, Thomas F. Monteleone
Language: English
Release Date: July 24, 2018

*Apocalypse-definition: the complete final destruction of the world, especially as described from the Book of Revelation in The Bible; an event involving destruction or damage on an awesome or catastrophic level. * Eighteen bestselling and award-winning authors have contributed their visions...
Book cover of Cold Steel & Magic (Four Short Fantasy Adventures)
by Lee William Tisler
Language: English
Release Date: June 4, 2012

Cold Steel & Magic Four Short Fantasy Adventures Deathbird A baby is born to the delight of Ashund the father and Eriss the new mother which is short lived as a Deathbird pays a visit. Goblins & Dragons Tribe Bonecrusher have been thrown into exile after a failed leadership challenge....
Book cover of The Cog Work Apprentice in Dark Skies (Steampunk action adventure)
by Lee William Tisler
Language: English
Release Date: July 20, 2012

John Lumley Conduit was enjoying his day off from work when hundreds of rebel airships invaded his town. With the town under attack, John desperately searches for his girlfriend, who has disappeared with his former best friend and romantic rival. John must overcome bushrangers, invaders, mighty cog-driven...
Book cover of Geschichten aus den Eisernen Königreichen, Staffel 2 Episode 6
by William Shick, Richard Lee Byers, Aeryn Rudel
Language: German
Release Date: July 28, 2016

Die "Geschichten aus den Eisernen Königreichen" laden dich zu einer abwechslungsreichen, abenteuerlichen Reise ein. In jeder Episode präsentieren wir drei Kurzgeschichten über die Menschen, Kreaturen und Maschinen von Immoren. Nutze diese einmalige Gelegenheit, für kleines Geld die Eisernen Königreiche...
Book cover of Ophthalmic Pathology

Ophthalmic Pathology

An Illustrated Guide for Clinicians

by K. Weng Sehu, William R. Lee
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2012

Highly Commended at the Society of Authors and Royal Society of Medicine Medical Book Awards 2006 This outstanding atlas of ophthalmic pathology brings together the world famous collection of digital images from the Tennant Eye Institute in Glasgow. Weng Sehu and William Lee have produced...
Book cover of Una Vita Da Leone (Confident Life - Italian)
by Lee William Tisler
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 19, 2011

Hai mai la sensazione di star ancora aspettando che la tua vita inizi? A me è successo ma dopo aver accresciuto la fiducia in me stesso mi sono trovato in grado di prendere decisioni che mi hanno cambiato la vita.Man mano che la tua sicurezza aumenta prenderai decisioni migliori e la sensazione di...
Book cover of Women in the Biblical World

Women in the Biblical World

A Survey of Old and New Testament Perspectives

by Lee A. Johnson, William L. Lyons, Julie Faith Parker
Language: English
Release Date: December 22, 2009

Women in the Biblical World: A Survey of Old and New Testament Perspectives is a volume featuring the most current research in biblical scholarship. This collection will whet the reader's appetite for cutting-edge research and encourage a closer look at some of the familiar passages that may have...
Book cover of Vampire Tales: The Big Collection (80+ stories in one volume: The Viy, The Fate of Madame Cabanel, The Parasite, Good Lady Ducayne, Count Magnus, For the Blood Is the Life, Dracula’s Guest, The Broken Fang, Blood Lust, Four Wooden Stakes...)
by Leonid Andreyev, Nikolai Gogol, M. R. James
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2018

The "Vampire Tales" is the biggest, hungriest, undeadliest collection of vampire stories ever assembled. Dark, stormy, and delicious, once it sinks its teeth into you there's no escape. Vampires! Whether imagined by Bram Stoker or Anne Rice, they are part of the human lexicon and as old...
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