保羅.韋德 Paul Wade: 16 books

Book cover of Convict Conditioning

Convict Conditioning

How to Bust Free of All Weakness-Using the Lost Secrets of Supreme Survival Strength

by Paul Wade
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2011

How to Train As If Your VERY LIFE Depended on Your Degree of REAL Strength, Power and ToughnessMost physical training systems are designed for the domesticated human animal. That is to say, for us humans who live lives of such relative security that we cultivate our strength and power more out of...
Book cover of Trainieren wie im Knast 2

Trainieren wie im Knast 2

Fortgeschrittene Trainingstechniken für Muskelzuwachs, Fettabbau und starke Gelenke

by Paul Wade
Language: German
Release Date: May 9, 2016

In der Fortsetzung zu seinem Bestseller 'Trainieren wie im Knast' nimmt uns der Ex-Häftling und Bodyweight-Training-Experte Paul Wade wieder mit in die harte Realität eines Gefängnisses, in der man sich nur auf sich selbst und seine eigene Kraft verlassen kann. Er beweist einmal mehr, dass unser...
Book cover of Power Calisthenics

Power Calisthenics

Das Bodyweight-Training für maximale Muskelkraft, Beweglichkeit und Schnelligkeit - mit über 100 Übungen

by Paul Wade
Language: German
Release Date: April 16, 2018

Calisthenics, das Street-Workout mit dem eigenen Körpergewicht, ist perfekt für den Muskelaufbau und die Steigerung der allgemeinen Fitness. Bodyweight-Training-Experte Paul Wade, seit Erscheinen seines Bestsellers Trainieren wie im Knast bekannt für seine unkonventionellen, progressiven Methoden,...
Book cover of Trainieren wie im Knast

Trainieren wie im Knast

Der progressive Ganzkörperplan für Muskeln, Kraft und einen eisernen Willen

by Paul Wade
Language: German
Release Date: September 21, 2015

Die meisten Fitnessprogramme zielen darauf ab, den Körper zu verschönern oder für den Sport fit zu halten. Beim Militär verlassen sich die Soldaten heute viel mehr auf ihre Waffen als auf ihre eigene Körperkraft. In einem Gefängnis jedoch, wo die Einschüchterung der Schwächeren an der Tagesordnung...
Book cover of Accidental Encounters
by Paul WADE
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2013

For several years Interpol have been tracking a gang known only as the 'Group.' Their main forte is stealing valuable information from Research and Development divisions of large corporations and selling this information to the highest bidder.In London, Robert, although still young,...
Book cover of I am Venom
by Paul WADE
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2013

The discovery of nano-technology made an impact in ways not previously considered. Longevity has always been a dream of human beings. When it finally became a reality, events which were unforeseen, begin to cause the human race to regret their desire to live for ever.An oversight which has...
Book cover of The Chronicles of Gordon Sykes: Volume One - New Worlds
by Paul WADE
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2013

Gordon Sykes is being pursued. Confused as well as annoyed, he realises that if he is to survive, he must create a new world to live in. High up in the mountains, he builds a city made from just his thoughts; buildings, roads, and even people to keep him company. But all is not well in Gordon's imaginary...
Book cover of Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

A Unique Guide to Self-Diagnosis and Rehabilitation

by Malcolm T. F. Read, Paul Wade
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2009

Sports Injuries provides an indispensable self-help guide to all the common injuries that occur. This book will help to quickly pinpoint the source of the injury, know which conditions you can treat yourself and when to visit an expert, stay fit and flexible during recovery, and encourage your body...
Book cover of Convict Conditioning 2

Convict Conditioning 2

Advanced Prison Training Tactics for Muscle Gain, Fat Loss and Bulletproof Joints

by Paul Wade
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2012

Foreword The Many Roads to Strength by Brooks Kubik III Opening Salvo: Chewing Bubblegum and Kicking Ass V 1. Introduction: Put Yourself Behind Bars VII PART I: SHOTGUN MUSCLE****Hands and Forearms 2: Iron Hands and Forearms: Ultimate Strength 1-with Just Two Techniques 3: The Hang Progressions: A...
Book cover of 囚徒健身60項徒手健身技法,激發身體潛在能量
by 保羅.韋德 Paul Wade
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 1, 2015

翻開本書,你將發現自己就是教練、身體就是器材、 整個城市,都是你的健身房! 資深囚徒保羅‧韋德,越獄開課! 重現「人間」失傳的技藝— 想要身強體壯,你根本不需要啞鈴槓片、彈力拉繩等酷炫的器材, 或其他健身產業、置入性行銷廣告試圖透過洗腦讓你相信非用不可的廢物…… 你需要的是正確的方法—訓練之道。 —保羅‧韋德 ◎PTT...
Book cover of 囚徒健身 2

囚徒健身 2

Convict Conditioning 2

by 保羅.韋德 Paul Wade
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 10, 2015

Book cover of 囚徒健身 3:囚徒爆發力:爆發式徒手體操
by 保羅.韋德 Paul Wade
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 15, 2016

Book cover of Fantastic Stories Presents the Weird Tales Super Pack #1
by Robert E. Howard, Henry Kuttner, H. P. Lovecraft
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2016

‘Weird Tales’ launched in March of 1923 and the world was never the same again. While pulp magazines had been around for some time, ‘Weird Tales’ was the first pulp magazine to specialize in supernatural fiction. ‘Weird Tales’ single-handedly created the field of genre fiction as we know...
Book cover of A Concise History of Rock Music
by Paul Fowles, Graham Wade
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2015

This book, intended for the general public, music students, and enthusiasts of all ages, explores the entire history of rock music, from its origins up to the twenty-first century. Paul Fowles, guitarist, teacher and writer, has created a fascinating guide to a musical phenomenon which has captured the imagination of young people throughout the world.
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