凱文‧凱利Kevin Kelly: 64 books

Book cover of The Travel Diaries of John Dot: Margate

The Travel Diaries of John Dot: Margate

Mid Life Backpacker, #1

by Kevin Kelly
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2017

It’s make or break time for John Dot... John Dot, mid-life, depressive, aged 47, whose body has seen better days is whisking his long-suffering girlfriend, Olivia, away to Margate for a romantic weekend. For him, Margate will make or break his re-kindled relationship with Olivia. What could...
Book cover of The Inevitable

The Inevitable

Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future

by Kevin Kelly
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2016

**A New York Times Bestseller From one of our leading technology thinkers and writers, a guide through the twelve technological imperatives that will shape the next thirty years and transform our lives** Much of what will happen in the next thirty years is inevitable, driven by technological...
Book cover of Leading in Turbulent Times
by Kevin Kelly, Gary Hayes
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2010

Shows what every leader must do to cope with perpetual change -- the key characteristic of twenty-first century business Provides unrivalled access to the best managed boardrooms in the world through unique interviews with some of today's most resilient and innovative leaders Combines inspirational...
Book cover of L'inevitabile
by Kevin Kelly
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 12, 2017

Come vivremo fra trent’anni? Non siamo ancora in grado di prevedere il futuro, ma alcune risposte sono certe, o quasi. Per esempio, non avremo un’auto di proprietà: pagheremo per abbonarci a un servizio di mobilità e trasporto da utilizzare all’occorrenza. Anzi, non possederemo quasi nulla,...
Book cover of What Technology Wants
by Kevin Kelly
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2010

From the author of the New York Times bestseller The Inevitable— a sweeping vision oftechnology as a living force that can expand our individual potential This provocative book introduces a brand-new view of technology. It suggests that technology as a whole is not a jumble of wires and metal...
Book cover of The Misadventures of John Dot: Thailand

The Misadventures of John Dot: Thailand

Mid Life Backpacker, #2

by Kevin Kelly
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2017

Amiddle-aged homebody. An exotic retreat. This trot around the globe won’t be pretty… John Dot sticks out like a sore thumb in Thailand. The 47-year-old doggedly British curmudgeon is only there because he’s too much of a pushover to disappoint his counsellor. And with his girlfriend...
Book cover of New Rules for the New Economy

New Rules for the New Economy

10 Radical Strategies for a Connected World

by Kevin Kelly
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 1999

The classic book on business strategy in the new networked economy— from the author of the New York Times bestseller The Inevitable Forget supply and demand. Forget computers. The old rules are broken. Today, communication, not computation, drives change. We are rushing into a world where...
Book cover of The Ultimate World Wrestling Entertainment Trivia Book
by Aaron Feigenbaum, Kevin Kelly, Seth Mates
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2010

Are you a real fan of World Wrestling Entertainment ®? Do you have ruthless aggression? Do you have to know it all -- and beyond? Now you can step up and prove it! Here for the first time, test just how much you really know in The Ultimate World Wrestling Entertainment Trivia Book. Not for the fan...
Book cover of 必然:掌握形塑未來30年的12科技大趨力
by 凱文.凱利 Kevin Kelly
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 1, 2017

200萬人已經掌握的科技趨勢,你還追得上!? ◆全球熱銷200萬冊 ◆《連線》(Wired)雜誌創辦人、30年來影響最廣的科技趨勢思想家KK最新力作 ◆資深譯者嚴麗娟完整權威中文全譯本 ◆盧希鵬(台灣科技大學資訊管理系特聘教授)專業審定、導讀 Google、Apple、Facebook……為什麼都出現在美國?因為美國有KK! 海量資訊排山倒海,每天都在焦慮跟不上變化嗎? 跟著KK洞悉科技變化的特性、掌握12大趨力,未來30年的軌道就在眼前。 「創造虛構的未來很容易;而KK卻選擇了艱難的那條路——告訴我們真正的未來是什麼樣子!《必然》裡的藍圖讓我們大開眼界,知道未來會碰到什麼。科幻小說也將變成科學事實」。 ——休豪伊(《羊毛記》作者) ◎全球銷售突破200萬冊,正體中文版邀請譯家嚴麗娟翻譯,原汁原味,一字不漏 科技日新月異已經是我們生活的「日常」,每分每秒都有新的變化、新的服務、新的產品,影響甚劇——工作機會消失、法律與日常規範遭受挑戰!人工智慧與嶄新服務固然好處多多,卻也讓無數人心碎!我們應該如何自處?抗拒或迅速擁抱這些變化? ◎理解科技變化12大趨力才能處變不驚 科技趨勢思想家KK告訴我們:「驟變不過是表相。」看似紛亂無章,其實激變浪潮下自有脈絡,賈伯斯、賴利佩吉、祖克伯都看見了,Apple、Microsoft、Google、Facebook因此應運而生,並已成為文明的一部分。置身浪頭的KK將趨勢變化精確篩選出12個大趨力,你我的購物、學習、工作、生活,甚至彼此的溝通方式必然完全籠罩其間,完全轉變!這種進行式至少還會動盪30年以上。 ◎掌握趨力的特性就能站在浪頭上 一旦能夠了解並掌握這12個趨力,我們就能一直站在浪頭上、享用科技帶來的最大利益,同時對於未來有所準備:譬如新產品服務的發明、新工作機會的契機、選擇投資標的,乃至於如何找到顧客等等。新世界來臨前,案頭請務必備好這本書! ◎這12個科技趨力都是軌道,不是定數。不預測我們未來會在哪裡,卻告訴我們在不久的將來,我們「必然」會往哪幾個方向去。 未來,我們將一無所有,卻也什麼都能擁有!——KK《必然》 【各方推薦】(按姓氏筆畫序) 何飛鵬(家庭傳媒集團首席執行長) 徐挺耀(潮網科技與泛科知識創辦人) 陳良基(科技部長) 陳昇瑋(台灣資料科學協會理事長/中研院資訊科學研究所研究員/資料洞察實驗室主持人) 【閱讀心得精彩分享】(按姓氏筆畫序) KK在數位領域累積了數十年的經驗,協助你在不可避免的趨勢當中,找到一個身為人類應該有的「差異化策略」、降低與機器及趨勢的衝突,找到自己與後代的生存方式。 ——李怡志(網路媒體工作者) 用哲學的觀點解釋什麼是科技是如此困難又讓人心嚮往之,KK的幾本著作根本打中了這個核心,我因此成為他忠實的粉絲。「趨同演化論」成了我經常用來解釋萬物運作的道理,但也因為有一點特別,所以分享給朋友時,需要多一點說服與耐心。這個難懂的語彙現在也被KK趨同演化成「必然」這兩個字,也隨著人工智慧的飛快進化,更讓人容易認同與了解。了解KK的必然,你就必然了解電腦、筆電、手機、智慧型手機、手機晶片微小化、手機晶片裝載在所有產品上、產品聯網、產品收集資料、產品產生認知,最後人工智慧突飛猛進的「必然」了。 ——吳顯二(癮科技站長) KK有系統性地將不同資訊科技發展現象做了歸納、淺顯地說明了網際網路與資訊科技,如何把我們的生活逐步引導、形塑成「去中心化」卻又「集體」的社會。Facebook、Uber到群眾募資,是新的商業模式,也是對人類認知行為的一次革命。你的閱讀、消費與收入,都將在位元傳輸與存儲之間被重新定義。或許你已經注意到了,但可能沒有發現,原來它已無孔不入……不管你接不接受,都需要好好面對。 ——烏仕民(亞克管理諮詢公司執行長/北京清華大學科技與社會學博士候選人) 網路數位科技在過去30年來的快速發展已大幅地改變了人類社會,KK以豐富的經驗和敏銳的分析歸納出12種驅動人類社會持續蛻變的原動力和趨勢,頗值得賞讀省思。 ——陳明義(資策會技術長) 延續《科技想要什麼》,KK在《必然》裡描繪出在未來科技體更成熟發展後,無處不在的科技流淌在生態圈中,會創生什麼樣的風景,人類又在其中扮演什麼角色。是每一位想窺見未來者都該細讀再三的蟲洞級大作。 ——鄭國威(泛科學總編輯) 【國際讚譽】 什麼人都能自稱先知、算命師或未來導師,這種人還真不在少數。而KK卻與眾不同,因為他都說對了。在《必然》這本書裡,清晰的行文和無懈可擊的論點讓你欲罷不能!直到你明白:他預見的科技、文化和社會變遷必然會出現。就像擁有個水晶球,卻不必擔心會打破。 ——伯格(雅虎科技網站編輯) 如何打造未來?KK認為,科技革新帶來的結果蘊含獨特的動力——我們最好要了解,並樂於接納。你或許覺得很棒,或許覺得恐慌,無論如何都該讀讀這本發人深省的書。 ——伊諾(音樂家兼作曲家) 這本書對於(即將到來)的未來提供深刻的見解,智力會輕鬆流入所有的物品,就跟電力一樣。 ——安德森(《長尾理論》作者) 多年來,KK預測的科技未來充滿真知灼見,非常神奇。現在他更進一步帶領我們一窺未來30年會是個什麼光景。《必然》一書從頭到尾都是精確的洞察和思考,同時非常樂觀。 ——克萊恩(《一級玩家》作者) 就像最稀奇古怪的科幻小說一樣,讀了令人振奮,但根基卻是實實在在的趨勢。未來會改變我們的生活,而凱利就是最理想的領隊。——弗勞恩菲爾德(Boing...
Book cover of Leaves of Grass (MAXNotes Literature Guides)
by Kevin Kelly, Christine Berg
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2012

REA's MAXnotes for Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass MAXnotes offer a fresh look at masterpieces of literature, presented in a lively and interesting fashion. Written by literary experts who currently teach the subject, MAXnotes will enhance your understanding and enjoyment of the work. MAXnotes are designed...
Book cover of Out Of Control

Out Of Control

The New Biology Of Machines, Social Systems, And The Economic World

by Kevin Kelly
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2009

Out of Control chronicles the dawn of a new era in which the machines and systems that drive our economy are so complex and autonomous as to be indistinguishable from living things.
Book cover of Kentucky Speedway
by Kevin Kelly
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2015

The history of Kentucky Speedway is as colorful as the flags waved from its flag stand and the cars that dart around its 1.5-mile track. The path to its position on NASCAR's Sprint Cup Series schedule included more twists and turns than the roads leading to Sparta, Kentucky. Ultimately, it took Speedway...
Book cover of 釋控:從中央思想到群體思維,看懂科技的生物趨勢
by 凱文‧凱利(Kevin Kelly)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 14, 2018

我們擁抱科技,也以為自己可以掌握科技。但現在該是讓科技自由的時候了。 ◆《WIRED》共同創辦人,科技趨勢大師KK第一本科技經典 ◆了解比特幣、虛擬實境、人工智慧等現代趨勢的重要著作 ◆啟發《駭客任務》的科技啟示錄 1993年,全球資訊網(WWW)剛剛起步,網際網路正式推向全球。而在1994年,KK便在這本書中預言了網路世代接下來30年,甚至50年的發展。我們至今的所有科技發展,竟然幾乎都在他的預料之中!然而,他帶給我們的不只是科技的預言,更是如何觀察科技的一個創新觀點。 網路、人工智慧以及虛擬貨幣等新興產業變幻莫測,讓人難以捉摸;而我們總是試圖控制、主導科技的發展。在本書中,KK帶我們了解科技的本質與變化趨勢,描繪一個人類、科技與整個地球生命網路的共同未來。 科技也是生物——想要贏,先放手 早在工業革命發生以前,我們就已經相當依賴科技的發明。而在文明演化的過程中,我們也愈來愈仰賴科技。但是,在我們將創造力還有自我控制的能力交給機器之後,我們也即將失去對科技的控制。在失去控制之後,我們會得到什麼? 一加一等於蘋果——群體的智慧 一窩大舉遷徙的蜜蜂是怎麼決定要去哪裡的?複雜的科技常常參考自然界的群體,就如同分散式運算正在變成人工智慧的重要趨勢。KK告訴我們:有時候,一個完整的智慧是從聚集在一起的微小意識中浮現出來的。這樣的智慧不僅是昆蟲的生存手段,可能更是讓地球蓬勃發展的重要因素。 演化是一種趨勢——從生物到科技 演化,自達爾文那革命性的《物種源始》之後就一直承襲著「天擇」以及「隨機突變」這兩大觀念。但是,愈來愈多科學家認為,這個理論並不完善:複雜的眼睛是怎麼在不同物種間演化的?隨機突變真的是演化的唯一動力嗎?從個體到族群、物種到生態系,更從生物界到科技界,...
Book cover of Frankenstein (MAXNotes Literature Guides)
by Kevin Kelly
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2012

REA's MAXnotes for Mary Shelley's Frankenstein MAXnotes offer a fresh look at masterpieces of literature, presented in a lively and interesting fashion. Written by literary experts who currently teach the subject, MAXnotes will enhance your understanding and enjoyment of the work. MAXnotes are designed...
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