大衛.克里斯欽David Christian: 97 books

Book cover of Maps of Time

Maps of Time

An Introduction to Big History

by David Christian
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2011

An introduction to a new way of looking at history, from a perspective that stretches from the beginning of time to the present day, Maps of Time is world history on an unprecedented scale. Beginning with the Big Bang, David Christian views the interaction of the natural world with the more recent...
Book cover of Origin Story

Origin Story

A Big History of Everything

by David Christian
Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2018

This New York Times bestseller "elegantly weaves evidence and insights...into a single, accessible historical narrative" (Bill Gates) and presents a captivating history of the universe -- from the Big Bang to dinosaurs to mass globalization and beyond. Most historians study the smallest...
Book cover of Finding Jesus

Finding Jesus

To Learn Abba's Worldview

by David Christian
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2011

A scholar among the laity, anonymous author David Christian, in checking the text amongst the ordained, received positive feedback including the following: Ernie (38 years of church pastoral leadership) wrote, Book is remarkable with more knowledge of biblical literature and history than most...
Book cover of The Upper Room and Tomb of David

The Upper Room and Tomb of David

The History, Art and Archaeology of the Cenacle on Mount Zion

by David Christian Clausen
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2016

It has been a church, a mosque and a synagogue. Jesus is said to have dined there. James, his brother, is believed to have been interred there. King David may be buried beneath its floor. The subject of intense speculation by both scholars and the faithful, the Cenacle on Mount Zion—also known as...
Book cover of Big History大歷史:跨越130億年時空,打破知識藩籬的時間旅圖
by 大衛‧克里斯欽(David Christian)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 6, 2018

我們不能只是了解全球史、世界史! 更必須掌握「Big History大歷史」,更宏觀、開闊、全面、完整的人類歷史圖像敘述! 大衛‧克里斯欽開創大歷史學派「Big History大歷史」開山之作 2005年榮獲西方歷史協會年度最佳世界歷史圖書獎 (The...
Book cover of This Fleeting World: A Short History of Humanity
by David Christian
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2007

A great historian can make clear the connections between the first Homo sapiens and todays version of the species, and a great storyteller can make those connections come alive. David Christian is both, and This Fleeting World: A Short History of Humanity makes the journeyfrom the earliest foraging era...
Book cover of 起源的故事(「大歷史」學派開創者大衛.克里斯欽2018年最新扛鼎巨作)
by 大衛.克里斯欽(David Christian)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 30, 2019

有沒有一本書可以告訴我們,「人類從何處而來?又該往何處而去?」 《起源的故事》或許可以提供我們一些答案。 獲選比爾.蓋茲2018年夏季書單,讚譽本書是人類未來發展的指引 入圍Goodreads年度最佳歷史與傳記類圖書 林俊良、孫維新、陳文屏、黃春木、黃貞祥、楊士範、蔣竹山、謝哲青、顏聖紘等諸方學人一致推薦 「大歷史」學派開創者、TED影片點擊九百五十萬次的歷史學家大衛.克里斯欽最新力作! 【內容簡介】 跨越自然與人文學科的藩籬,重新構建你對歷史的認知,走過一趟一百三十八億年的「歷史旅程」 大多數歷史學家研究的是一小片段的時間,他們凸顯特定的日期、個人及文獻。但研究從大霹靂直到今天,甚至深入遙遠未來的歷史,會是什麼模樣?注視太古以來的時間,又會如何改變我們理解宇宙、地球,以及自身存在的方式呢?這些正是大衛.克里斯欽開始探討「大歷史」觀念時試圖解答的問題,人類從何而來,又會往何處而去。 《起源的故事》將打破一般人對歷史的認知,跨越自然與人文學科的藩籬,帶領讀者走過整整一百三十八億年的「歷史旅程」。本書會聚焦於決定性的事件,諸如宇宙大霹靂、地球誕生、人類出現、農業興起與文明發展,連結一切事物的關聯性,構成一個單一卻連貫清晰的「歷史敘事」,為所有人類知識提供宏大的知識架構。 作者在自序中提到,一九八○年他任教於澳洲雪梨,時時擔心現代世界充斥著核武威脅,人類間充滿種族文化等等的隔閡與偏見,人們的眼見局限於民族、地區與國家。他深感往昔的歷史教學、歷史觀念無助於客觀傳遞知識,反而更加深、加劇人類的衝突,因而起心動念思索如何教授一門「總和的人類史」,開創所謂的「大歷史」學派。 其後,大衛.克里斯欽更跟比爾.蓋茲合作,聯手打造「大歷史計畫」,針對歐美的中學生、大學生,以及有志傳授「大歷史」觀念的教師,設計一系列線上課程,大力推廣綜合天文學、生物學、考古學、物理學、歷史學的跨界新知識。著名的全球史、世界史學者威廉.麥克尼爾(William...
Book cover of A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia, Volume II

A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia, Volume II

Inner Eurasia from the Mongol Empire to Today, 1260 - 2000

by David Christian
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2018

Provides an all-encompassing look at the history of Russia, Central Asia, and Mongolia Beginning with the breakup of the Mongol Empire in the mid-thirteenth century, Volume II of this comprehensive work covers the remarkable history of “Inner Eurasia,” from 1260 up to modern times, completing...
Book cover of A Big History of Globalization

A Big History of Globalization

The Emergence of a Global World System

by Julia Zinkina, David Christian, Leonid Grinin
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2019

This book presents the history of globalization as a network-based story in the context of Big History. Departing from the traditional historic discourse, in which communities, cities, and states serve as the main units of analysis, the authors instead trace the historical emergence, growth, interconnection,...
Book cover of Images économiques du monde 2017

Images économiques du monde 2017

Le tourisme : nouveau secteur stratégique ?

by François Bost, Laurent Carroué, Sébastien Colin
Language: French
Release Date: September 7, 2016

Sous la direction de François BOST, Laurent CARROUÉ, Sébastien COLIN, Christian GIRAULT, Anne-Lise HUMAIN-LAMOURE, Olivier SANMARTIN, David TEURTRIE. DOSSIER : Le tourisme : nouveau secteur stratégique ? par Christian GIRAULT POPULATION ET SOCIÉTÉ coordonné par Anne-Lise HUMAIN-LAMOURE ENTREPRISES...
Book cover of Images économiques du monde 2016

Images économiques du monde 2016

Le monde sous tension(s)

by François Bost, Laurent Carroué, Sébastien Colin
Language: French
Release Date: September 2, 2015

Sous la direction de François BOST, Laurent CARROUÉ, Sébastien COLIN, Christian GIRAULT, Anne-Lise HUMAIN-LAMOURE, Olivier SANMARTIN, David TEURTRIE. DOSSIER : Le monde sous tension(s) par Laurent CARROUÉ POPULATION ET SOCIÉTÉ coordonné par Anne-Lise HUMAIN-LAMOURE ENTREPRISES ET ÉCHANGES...
Book cover of nEvermore!


Tales of Murder, Mayhem and the Macabre

by Margaret Atwood, Kelley Armstrong, Nancy Kilpatrick
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2015

Enjoy this anthology of Neo-Gothic fiction inspired by the imagination of Edgar Allan Poe.  Winner of the Paris Book Festival Award – Best anthology of the yearNominated for a Bram Stoker Award – Superior Achievement in an Anthology"Make sure your belt is done up good and tight when you read...
Book cover of Thoreauvian Modernities

Thoreauvian Modernities

Transatlantic Conversations on an American Icon

by Bruno Monfort, Christian Maul, David Dowling
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2013

Does Thoreau belong to the past or to the future? Instead of canonizing him as a celebrant of “pure” nature apart from the corruption of civilization, the essays in Thoreauvian Modernities reveal edgier facets of his work—how Thoreau is able to unsettle as well as inspire and how he is able...
Book cover of Corruption at the Crossroad
by Raymond Benson, Richard Christian Matheson, David J. Schow
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2017

More than 160 short stories from bestselling and award-winning authors. This volume will introduce you to horror, mystery, fantasy and thrills, from the dark worlds of Lovecraft to the cutting-edge suspense of the mean streets of the cities of the world. This monster collection speaks in the voices...
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