宮沢賢治Kenji Miyazawa: 24 books

Book cover of Gauche the Cellist and Other Stories
by Kenji Miyazawa
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2013

Nankichi Niimi & Kenji Miyazawa are undoubtedly two of Japan's most highly regarded writers of fantasy fiction. Book 2 of Tales From Japan contains four stories by Kenji Miyazawa and one story by Nankichi Niimi. In addition to the title story Gauche the Cellist, this book also includes Kenji's...
Book cover of Once and Forever

Once and Forever

The Tales of Kenji Miyazawa

by Kenji Miyazawa
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2018

Kenji Miyazawa is one of modern Japan’s most beloved writers, a great poet and a strange and marvelous spinner of tales, whose sly, humorous, enchanting, and enigmatic stories bear a certain resemblance to those of his contemporary Robert Walser. John Bester’s selection and expert translation...
Book cover of Gauche the Cellist
by Kenji Miyazawa
Language: English
Release Date: February 25, 2013

Another gem from the Japanese maestro of storytelling Kenji Miyazawa. Gauche plays the cello in the town orchestra, but he needs to do a lot better if he wants to keep his place. He realizes he is going to have to practice every spare moment if he is going to improve in time for the big concert. But...
Book cover of Night on the Galactic Railroad and Other Stories from Ihatov
by Kenji Miyazawa
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2010

Kenji Miyazawa (1896-1933) is one of Japan's most beloved writers and poets, known particularly for his sensitive and symbolist children's fiction. This volume collects stories that focus on Miyazawa's love of space and his use of the galaxy as a metaphor for the concepts of purity, self-sacrifice, and...
Book cover of The Restaurant of Many Orders
by Kenji Miyazawa
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2013

This is perhaps the most famous of Kenji's short stories and one of his personal favorites, as it was the title story of his one and only self-published collection of short stories. Two hunters go on a hunting trip in the country and end up completely lost. Luckily they come across what appears to...
Book cover of Kenju's Forest Playground & Ame-ni-mo makezu
by Kenji Miyazawa
Language: English
Release Date: November 13, 2013

Kenji Miyazawa is undoubtedly one of Japan's most highly regarded writers of fantasy fiction. Book 1 of Tales From A Japanese Dreamland is an introduction to Kenji's writing through his well-known poem Ame-ni-mo makezu and the story of Kenju, which can be thought of as an extension of that poem. Kenju's...
Book cover of The Frandon Agricultural School Pig
by Kenji Miyazawa, Translated by Roger Pulvers
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2012

The Frandon Agricultural School Pig stands out as a unique masterpiece of Japanese fiction taking up the treatment of animals by humans. This deeply moving story of the pig who is literally forced to sign his own death warrant was written in the early 1920s by Kenji Miyazawa, considered one of Japan's...
Book cover of 銀河鐵道之夜
by 宮澤賢治 Kenji Miyazawa
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 25, 2017

日本國寶級作家宮澤賢治膾炙人口的經典童話,寓意深遠、流傳百年、散發不朽光輝的文學瑰寶。 銀河祭的夜晚,喬凡尼意外地搭上一班疾駛於夜空的神秘列車,手握一張「夢想」的車票,在銀河的夜光下,歷經了一場人生之旅,窺見生與死的奧秘…… 宮澤賢治是日本家喻戶曉的文學巨匠,他的童話超越年齡限制,絢麗多彩、寓意深遠又耐人尋味。〈銀河鐵道之夜〉是宮澤最膾炙人口的作品,探討何謂幸福、生死等問題。本書收錄《銀河鐵道之夜》、《大提琴手高薛》、《要求特別多的餐廳》、《貓咪事務所》、《橡子與山貓》、《開羅團長》六篇宮澤賢治最具代表性的作品。 作者簡介: 宮澤賢治Miyazawa...
Book cover of Night On The Milky Way Train
by Kenji Miyazawa, Translated by Roger Pulvers
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2011

The great Japanese childrens classic known and beloved by Japanese readers for more than half a century. Kenji Miyazawa is often compared to Lewis Carroll. A hauntingly beautiful, lyrical and deeply moving story of two boys who take a ride on a train through the Milky Way, encountering many colourful...
Book cover of Milky Way Railroad
by Kenji Miyazawa
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2008

One night, alone on a hilltop, a young boy is swept aboard a magical train bound for the Milky Way. A classic in Japan, this tender fable is a book of great wisdom, offering insight into the afterlife.One of Japan’s greatest storytellers, Kenji Miyazawa (1896–1933) was a teacher, author, poet, and scientist.
Book cover of Night on the Milky Way Railway
by Kenji Miyazawa
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2014

Giovanni is having trouble concentrating at school because he's tired from his part-time job and he doesn't have time to play with any of his friends any more. His local village is getting ready to hold their annual star festival, but Giovanni feels as if he's been left out. But then...
Book cover of Obbel and the Elephant
by Kenji Miyazawa, Translated by Roger Pulvers
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2013

Kenji Miyazawas brilliant story about how a greedy capitalist named Obbel came to regret exploiting a lovable white elephant. A story about good triumphing over evil that will amuse and entertain children and adult readers.「オッベルと象」ロジャー・パルバース訳、ルーシー・パルバースの挿絵、読みやすい英語と原文が両方楽しめる!
Book cover of Strong In The Rain & The Nighthawk Star
by Kenji Miyazawa, Translated by Roger Pulvers
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2012

Strong in the Rain' is arguably the most famous and most memorized poem in modern Japan. It is a kind of compassionate incantation that symbolizes qualities of empathy and love for humanity. After the disaster of 11 March 2011, it was taken up by millions of Japanese as the single work that best expressed...
Book cover of The Restaurant of Many Orders
by Kenji Miyazawa, Translated by Roger Pulvers
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2013

Kenji Miyazawas most well-known story a scary but very humorous tale about two hunters who mysteriously find themselves among the hunted. This is a modern Japanese classic that has been enjoyed by Japanese readers for many many years.「注文の多い料理店」ロジャー・パルバース訳、ルーシー・パルバースの挿絵、読みやすい英語と原文が両方楽しめる!
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