文少輝(Jackman): 54 books

Book cover of Wild About Britain: A lifetime of award-winning nature writing
by Brian Jackman
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2017

A new collection of award-winning journalist and author Brian Jackman's nature and travel writings from the past 40 years. This is a nationwide celebration of Britain's unspoiled coast and countryside, concentrating in particular on Britain's wildlife and the wild places in which its most spectacular...
Book cover of Jackers: A Life in Cricket
by Robin Jackman, Colin Bryden
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2012

The autobiography of former Surrey and England cricketer Robin Jackman; now a highly-regarded international cricket commentator, working on South African television. Known as one of the top commentators in the world, his articulate story encounters virtually all the cricketing greats of the modern era...
Book cover of 義大利繪旅行
by 文少輝(Jackman), 傅美璇(Erica)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 9, 2014

義大利!非去不可! 走訪歷史遺跡、藝術名作,深入體驗義式生活、飲食主義、文化美學 繼西班牙、日本鐵道後,Jackman & Erica又一全新視野手繪旅行!   在畫筆、相機、文字的陪伴下,Jackman & Erica這次將踏上地中海北端,穿梭三千年悠久時光的靴型半島──義大利。在這座人文薈萃,聚集文明起源、美學巔峰於一國境內之地,兩人將以各自不同的喜好、角度,看見全然不同的義大利之美。 **  義大利!非玩不可!   火車尋幽、小鎮尋寶;走訪火腿、酒醋工廠,跟著義大利媽媽做菜趣!   20天走遍七大古城、海岸五鄉,玩出不一樣的義大利!**   除了著名歷史遺跡,更收錄採松露、小舖尋寶、市集採買,和在地廚房烘培烹飪等驚喜記趣,而Jackman更將獻出首次異國剪髮初體驗……!各種絕妙行程,帶著你在古往今來與新舊交替之間,細細咀嚼不一樣的精采義大利! **  跟著精緻手繪,來一趟不一樣的歐洲之旅!Hito內容搶先看!本書收錄:**   ●全世界最小的國家:全國面積僅0.44平方公里,人口只有830人的迷你古城,卻是全球10億天主教人口的信仰中心!踏上神聖的宗教帝國梵蒂岡,親身體會這分輝煌的肅穆之感。   ●三座離海小島:馬德雷島、漁夫島、貝嘉島,航向三座散落在蔚藍地中海上的島嶼,體驗桃花源式鮮少人知的美好祕境。   ●海岸五鄉之旅:搭上一班海岸列車,竊取站與站之間的微小時光,彷彿滑進時間靜止的神祕國度,在悠閒中品嘗地中海沿岸漁村與田野交織的悠靜時光!   ●七大千年古城:漫步在人類政治、經濟、建設文明起源的偉大帝國羅馬;穿梭文藝復興思想誕生的搖籃佛羅倫斯;行船於渠道、橋梁交織而成的水都威尼斯……,踏進旅程中的時光迴廊,撿拾散落在古城中的歷史記憶。 本書特色   ※嘗試來一趟背包客的深度之旅!依循手繪地圖放慢腳步,深入漫遊你心中的義大利。   ※欣賞手感繪圖下的悠久歷史!一幅幅細緻插畫,細說羅馬古國的悠久故事。   ※旅遊X藝術,一探義大利雙重面貌!完全收錄建築、雕塑、繪畫等藝術知識及生動解說。   ※挖掘你從未聽說的義大利!跟著在地人走進慢活、美食的國度。 達人推薦   暢銷旅遊作家 ...
Book cover of The Artist's Mentor

The Artist's Mentor

Inspiration from the World's Most Creative Minds

by Ian Jackman
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2009

What inspires a person to create? How does an artist see the world? What happens during a "eureka moment?" How does an artist find self-discipline? The Artist's Mentor is for those of us who want to create art but do not know how to begin. Drawing on interviews and autobiographical writings...
Book cover of Eat This!

Eat This!

1,001 Things to Eat Before You Diet

by Ian Jackman
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2009

Ian Jackman believes that life is too short to deny yourself our nation's true culinary treasures. Guided by food experts throughout the land, he travels from east to west—from small town to big city—uncovering local treats, guilty pleasures, and some oddities that no true food lover should miss....
Book cover of Sun of the Son
by Vernon Jackman
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2012

Set in Barbados, the poems in Sun of the Son were awarded the Corson Bishop Poetry Prize, the Dorothy Sugarman Poetry Prize and the American Academy of Poets Prize at Cornell University. The voices in this collection incorporate the cultures and creoles of the islands, the remembrance and continuity...
Book cover of Before Norms

Before Norms

Institutions and Civic Culture

by Robert W. Jackman, Ross Alan Miller
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2009

The potato famines of the nineteenth century were long attributed to Irish indolence. The Stalinist system was blamed on a Russian proclivity for autocracy. Muslim men have been accused of an inclination to terrorism. Is political behavior really the result of cultural upbringing, or does the vast...
Book cover of The Compliance Revolution

The Compliance Revolution

How Compliance Needs to Change to Survive

by David Jackman
Language: English
Release Date: July 2, 2015

The Compliance Revolution—Practical, Powerful Changes for Strategic Organizational Value Compliance is absolutely critical in creating a robust and resilient organization, one which is trusted by clients and contributes to market stability. Firms must approach compliance differently in order...
Book cover of Shadow of the Badger
by Mark Jackman, Simon Jackman
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2014

Old Liston. A quiet rural town which plays host to the most incredible, ridiculous and unsavoury characters ever to congregate in one place.A town where the local wizard steals from the supermarket, a beggar can make a tidy living from belching in the street and the vicar organises drunken...
Book cover of There's Something About Dying
by Mark Jackman, Simon Jackman
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2014

The mildly anticipated sequel to Shadow of the Badger.A dead street performer lies in the road with a severed neck, seemingly run over by a unicycle in a cold-blooded act of murder.When another body is discovered soon after, it becomes clear that a serial killer is on the loose in Old Liston.Geoff...
Book cover of Massachusetts Calling - A Compilation of Short Stories, Recipes, Poetry, Memories, and Histories
by Lisa Shea, Pat Jackman Altomare, Joann Braam
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2016

Massachusetts was first settled over 7,000 years ago. It has a long and storied history. From the Salem Witch Trials to the birthplace of Dr. Seuss, from Louisa May Alcott to Edgar Allen Poe, Massachusetts offers a range of fascinating, evocative, and historically important moments to explore and...
Book cover of Shoreline of Infinity 7

Shoreline of Infinity 7

Shoreline of Infinity science fiction magazine, #7

by David L Clements, Davyne DeSye, Dan Grace
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2017

Stories Something Fishy—David L ClementsMessage in a Bottle—Davyne DeSyeAn Infinite Number of Me—Dan Grace3.8 Missions—Katie GrayAnyone Can ask About Enhancement—Terry JackmanThe Walls of Tithonium Chasma—Tim MajorQuantum Flush—Daniel SouleBrother’s Keeper—Shannon Connor Winward That...
Book cover of The Cook's Tale

The Cook's Tale

Life Below Stairs as it Really Was

by Nancy Jackman, Tom Quinn
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2012

Nancy Jackman was born in 1907 in a remote Norfolk village. Her father was a ploughman, her mother a former servant who struggled to make ends meet in a cottage so small that access to the single upstairs room was via a ladder. The pace of life in that long-vanished world was dictated by the slow,...
Book cover of Bitcoin for Beginners - How to Buy Bitcoins, Sell Bitcoins, and Invest in Bitcoins
by J.T. Jackman
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2014

Bitcoin for Beginners Bitcoin has taken the world by storm. The reasons are obvious. With the value of Bitcoins increasing by 1,000% in less than a year, Bitcoins have been a lucrative investment for many. Bitcoins can offer privacy to individuals that their own currencies do...
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