Palibrio imprint: 621 books

by David Castillo
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2014

I, David, was in the world without knowing about the salvation that God gives in the forgiveness of sins. In Brawley C.A. with the prayers of a Christian group, I received the Lord Jesus as my only savior asking for Gods forgiveness I became a Christian since January of 2005. Just a couple days after...
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 18, 2014

En esta obra los Seres de Luz intentarn lograr que un Alma que vive un 95% del tiempo en su Reino de Oscuridad, logre reintegrar todas las formas de su Alma en los 7 Niveles de Conciencia, para que de esta manera alcance la iluminacin, ya que si esta Alma logra alcanzar la iluminacin, La Conciencia...
by Daniel Rutois
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 12, 2011

ES POSIBLE? Salir de la pobreza? Disfrutar de mi trabajo? Hacer la transicin de vendedor a negociador? Llegar a la independencia financiera? Criar hijos exitosos? Cambiar malos hbitos? Reprogramar nuestro subconsciente? Responder a estas preguntas con un S, debe ser tan inmediato como lo decida. Daniel...

Geography × 10

Ten Geographic Projects Presented by a Professional Geographer

by Felipe Calderon
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2015

This book gives examples of the use of geographical analysis in several real life projects. Each chapter describes a specific problem, the environment existing during its definition and the methodologies used to solve it. There is plenty of information to look for more techniques and a bibliography...
by Gabriel Arcos-Espinosa, Dora González-Turrubiates, Esperanza Martínez-Cano
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 28, 2017

El agua es el elemento primordial para el desarrollo de todos los sectores de la economa de un pas y ms an, es imprescindible para la supervivencia y el bienestar de los seres humanos del planeta. Este libro denominado El recurso hdrico en Tamaulipas: La cuenca del Ro Guayalejo Tames rene y evala...
by Juan Antonio Olguín Murrieta, Dra. Nora Hilda González Durán, Javier Guzmán Obando
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 11, 2016

El presente libro es resultado del proyecto de investigacin denominado: Evaluacin de la sustentabilidad en ciudades emergentes por medio de indicadores integrales. Dicho proyecto de investigacin forma parte de una iniciativa de la SEP para que los profesores de escuelas de educacin superior trabajen...
by José Ramírez
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2014

Diamonds or Rocks is about the awareness of your inner self because that is where we find the balance of our lives, and that is also where the origin of most of our problems is found. As kids we were very happy, yet it is in our childhoods that most of our problems started. Through this book you are...

Analytic Geometry

Graphic Solutions Using Matlab Language

by Ing. Mario Castillo
Language: English
Release Date: November 13, 2013

by Chato Izquierdo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 23, 2015

In 2005 a little motel which had been converted to condos years back became the target of greedy developers in the a city located in one of the beaches in the state of Florida. The owners of those apartments were retired people who wanted to spend whatever was left of their lives living by the beach....
by Francisco Javier Morales
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2014

Luciano realized that Bono had fallen in love with Lady Beautiful. He did not say one word, not even opened his mouth. He feigned not noticing and kept silent. The next time that Lady Beautiful appeared at La Buena Vida everything happened real quickly, as if she had arrived fl ying at great speed....
by Carlos Martínez
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2012

Life is a constant search, a constant walk, where we learn, discover, find, assimilate, discard and more. Stories, real and imaginary that have every intention of giving us answers to unite time, existence and its reason; projecting towards happiness or wellbeing. Nonetheless, The Eagle`s Journey...
by Elvira Abad
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2016

Tequila by the Producers Themselves, involves taking a magical journey through the senses, aromas, landscapes, flavors, legends and the art of producing tequila.

Letters & Numbers

Play and Learn to Read and Write in Numbers

by Roel Pimentel Ortiz
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2012

Mi nombre es Roel Pimentel Ortiz. Nac del 6 de enero de 1967 a Puruaran, Michoacan, Mxico. Mis padres se llaman, Ramon Pimentel Rangel e Irma Ortiz Pillardo. Somos 11 hermanos. Ramon Pimentel Ortiz Rosaura Pimentel Ortiz Rolando Pimentel Ortiz Valentina Pimentel Ortiz Crecenciano Pimentel Ortiz Vianey...
by Roque Ramirez Lozano
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2015

Grass is the foremost plant type used for forage. For domesticated animals or wildlife, grass is the support of many individuals. This is due to the great number of grass types, their adaptability to wide habitats, and their persistence. Grass may be used to improve soil, diminish erosion, feed animals,...
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