Stock imprint: 1176 books

Encountering Images of Spiritual Transformation

The Thoroughfare Motif within the Plot of Luke-Acts

by James M. Morgan
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2013

Luke-Acts is an impressive two-volume narrative seeking to convince and engage readers regarding the spiritual impact of Jesus of Nazareth on the Jewish people and other nations. To this end, Luke employs an impressive arsenal of literary and narrative techniques. This book focuses on a motif and...
by Vincent Duluc
Language: French
Release Date: January 13, 2016

« Grandir dans ma province avec Saint-Étienne juste à côté, en 1976, c’était habiter Naples au pied du Vésuve, c’était savoir que le coeur de l’univers avait soudain été déplacé, qu’il se rapprochait de nous mais sans nous inclure, et c’est pour cela que l’on se levait,...
by Vincent Duluc
Language: French
Release Date: May 25, 2016

Les dix derniers sélectionneurs (dans l’ordre chronologique) : Michel Hidalgo, Henri Michel, Michel Platini, Gérard Houiller, Aimé Jacquet, Roger Lemerre, Jacques Santini, Raymond Domenech, Laurent Blanc, Didier Deschamps. La fonction de sélectionneur de l’équipe de France est une fonction...

On This Rock

A Call to Center the Christian Response to Child Abuse on the Life and Words of Jesus

by Victor I. Vieth
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2018

Jesus was the descendant of sexually exploited women, narrowly survived a child homicide, and grew up to be the world's most prominent defender of children. Jesus reserved his harshest words for those who abused or neglected children and went so far as to say our treatment of children says everything...

Designing Religious Research Studies

From Passion to Procedures

by C. Jeff Woods
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2016

Have you ever been frustrated with or perhaps even frightened about writing a religious research proposal? This book demythologizes the religious research design process by beginning with the writer's passion for ministry and then guiding the writer through a series of questions and exercises that...

Hugh Schonfield

A Case Study of Complex Jewish Identities

by Owen Power
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2013

With this book, Owen Power offers the first full-length intellectual history of the thinker Hugh Schonfield (1901-1988). Power contextualises Schonfield and his work in the spheres of Jewish ideology and Messianic Jewish politics as a means to explain the complicated nature of Messianic Jewish identity....

Carnets de route en Palestine occupée

Gaza-Cisjordanie (novembre 1997)

by Danièle Sallenave
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1998

Fin novembre 1997, je me suis rendue dans quatre des sept villes des territoires occupés, devenues autonomes par application des accords d'Oslo. En sillonnant les routes de Jérusalem au Jourdain, et de Naplouse à Gaza, en écoutant des témoignages, plus tard en relisant l'histoire de ce pays,...
by C.J. Williams
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2017

The Book of Job has been a rich source of truth and comfort for its readers throughout the ages, but the crowning glory of this book is the prophetic testimony it bears to the sufferings that Jesus Christ would endure as the savior of his people. The Shadow of Christ in the Book of Job examines the...
by John Shortt
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2014

The Bible can and should be an environment in which we live and move and have our being, an environment in which we are shaped by God in different and interrelated ways. As with aspects of our physical environment, we may have never noticed many elements of this spiritual environment before or may...

Depression and the Divine

Was Jesus Clinically Depressed?

by David C. Wilson
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2018

David Wilson's initial research into the phenomenon of prophecy in the Hebrew Bible suggested that many of the passages featuring prophets, and hitherto considered to be bizarre myths (or much-edited collections of traditions) were, in fact, sequences of dreams. Moreover, it was possible to compare...
by Jean-Marc Parisis
Language: French
Release Date: February 28, 2007

« La première fois que je l'ai vue, je ne l'ai pas vue, je l'ai aimée de dos. Et je savais que lorsqu'elle se retournerait ce serait pire. » Au balcon d'une soirée, un homme rencontre une jeune femme qui va bouleverser son existence. Il est parolier, il ne connaissait l'amour qu'en chanson. Il...
by Claire Castillon
Language: French
Release Date: March 1, 2002

Ce pourrait être une histoire d'amour presque banale : une jeune femme aime un homme plus âgé... Il y a bien sa célébrité qui complique un peu les choses, les regards des curieux à éviter, mais ce ne serait rien sans cette reine Claude arrogante qui régente sa vie et ses pensées. Il y a...
by Philippe Broussard
Language: French
Release Date: March 11, 2015

Novembre 1958. Billie Holiday, l’icône du jazz, débarque en Italie puis en France pour la deuxième fois de sa vie. À quarante- trois ans, cette femme au destin chaotique, minée par l’alcool et la drogue, n’a plus que huit mois à vivre. À Paris, la voici à l’Olympia, et ensuite au Mars...
by Philippe Broussard
Language: French
Release Date: February 2, 2011

Marie-Anne Erize avait 24 ans, un physique de mannequin, des utopies de rebelle. Un jour d’octobre 1976, des militaires en civil l’ont enlevée à San Juan, petite ville du nord-ouest de l’Argentine. Ses parents, ses amis, ses six frères et soeurs ne l’ont jamais revue. Depuis, elle fait...
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