Erik: 281 books

Cover of Relatively Good Summer
by Erik Ga Bean
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2014

Nine year old Nigel's twin brother is knocked down by a car just before the long hot summer holiday of 1976. With his parents busy at the hospital, Nigel has to spend his summer with elderly grandparents and an eccentric aunt. He learns about life in WWII, that there is more to hunting rabbits...
Cover of A Trifle Airship
by Erik Ga Bean
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2015

Three undergraduates make a friendship (and an airship) that sees them through the years to come.
Cover of How to be a Rubber Band: A Formula for Living Resilience Every Day
by Erik Morales
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2013

No matter who we are, what we have, or where we are from, sooner or later life provides each of us with at least our fair share of trauma, tragedies, setbacks and curveballs. Like death, taxes, and increasingly wrinkly skin, these challenges will eventually rear their ugly heads- it is inevitable....
Cover of İyi ki
by Betül Taşpatlatan Çağlar
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Betül Taşpatlatan Çağlar’ın kaleme aldığı ve Erik Yayınları’ndan çıkan “İYİ Kİ” kitabı sadece kanser hastalığıyla mücadele eden ve bu zorlu mücadeleyi kazanan bir hastanın günlüğü değil. Önümüze koyulan sınavları nasıl başarıyla atlatabileceğimizin, sürecin...
Cover of Orada Kalmalıydı Zaman
by Rahmi Sözer
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Rahmi Sözer’in Kırklareli’nin Vize ilçesinin Evrencik köyünde başlayan, İstanbul’un lezzetli zamanlarına da tanıklık eden çocukluğunun ardından, 1974 yılında eğitim aşkıyla gittiği, ancak mezun olmasına “izin verilmeyerek” umutlarının yıkıldığı Arifiye Öğretmen...
Cover of Cruel and Unusual: Four Short Stories of Judicial Horror (Book One)
by Erik Dean
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2019

n this set of four short stories, the perennial struggle to catch the bad guys gets the supernatural treatment. Like holding a murder trial in a twilight zone, anything can happen—but in the end, justice will be served. In “Judge and Jury,” a violent gang tries to make its own rules....
Cover of İslam Başka - İslami Hareket Başka
by Ruşen Çakır
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Ruşen Çakır, bu kitapta, Kasım 1990'da yayınlanan "Ayet ve Slogan, Türkiye'de İslami Oluşumlar" adlı ilk kitabından bu yana geçen yaklaşık çeyrek yüzyılda İslami hareketliliği anlama kaygısıyla yaptığı söyleşileri bir araya getiriyor: Prof. Şerif Mardin, Gilles...
Cover of The Jungle
by Erik P. Feldmanis
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2018

The jungles of Brazil are filled with intrigue, undiscovered mysteries, and dangers.  Aerocopters Internationalè, an aircraft charter service, is hired by Carl Jennings to help him in his quest to uncover the mysteries of two hidden cities, buried deep in the jungles.  During the exploration and...
Cover of Ragashish
by Erik Nain
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 13, 2015

Prime esperienze di un ragazzo e dei suoi amici con le sostanze che modificano la coscienza. Un susseguirsi di vicende incredibili realmente accadute.
Cover of Getting Real About Enlightenment

Getting Real About Enlightenment

a modern companion to your journey of sovereign spirituality

by Kim Seppälä
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2018

This book lifts the veils of mystery around embodied spirituality and sovereignty. What happens to our minds, hearts and bodies when we allow the alchemical process of self-realization? How does it affect our lives and relationships, and how can we navigate through the dark night of the Soul into...
Cover of Gay-Lexikon - Alles, was ein schwuler Mann wissen muss - und was geil ist. Sex, Fetisch, Lifestyle und Gesundheit
by Tom-erik Harter
Language: German
Release Date: March 7, 2016

Du denkst, du kennst schon alles? Lass dich überraschen - und entdecke viel Neues und Wissenswertes über schwule Liebe, Männer-Lust und Gay-Lifestyle. Von A wie Arschlecken, über C wie Cumface, D wie Darkroom und N wie Natursekt bis hin zu Z wie Zuchtbulle und Zweilochstute: Freue dich...
Cover of Sex für Mutige: Das geheime Buch der derben Lust - 100 bizarre Praktiken, aktuelle Fakten, knallharte Tipps. Das große Sexbuch - BDSM, Bondage, Fetische, Paraphilien
by Tom Erik Hardnau
Language: German
Release Date: May 7, 2015

Streng geheim: Dieses schwarze Buch der derben Lust widmet sich harten und krassen Arten von Sex, die so fern ab vom Altbekannten sind, dass sie womöglich deine bisherige Vorstellungskraft sprengen werden - selbst dann, wenn du glaubst, schon alles zu kennen. Gruppensex, Swingerclub und Blowjob?...
Cover of Separation Anxiety
by Erik Sudduth
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2016

Tyler Tribbs,an orphan boy.The other, a spirit named Maayah. Entangled to Tyler by birth, Tyler possesses supernatural powers through his psychic relation to Maayah, growing from adolescence to adulthood while learning to co-exist, and utilize the powers they share. Kyle Davis, a paranormal psychologist...
Cover of The Killers Club, Vol. 1: The Accidental Killer
by Erik J. Avalon
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2014

Beyond the ordinary terror that mere serial killers naturally evoke, there lies a more sinister threat. A social media website has come along that panders not to the general masses, but to those demented individuals that Kill. To kill is simply to take a life, or lives; to Kill is to do the same,...
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