Novalis: 70 books

Cover of Appelé par mon nom, envoyé en son Nom

Appelé par mon nom, envoyé en son Nom

Causeries sur l’Église en sortie

by Paul-André Durocher
Language: French
Release Date: March 4, 2019

La mission au coeur des sacrements de l’Église Avec une simplicité désarmante et un sens pastoral affûté, Mgr Paul-André Durocher nous offre sa propre vision du tournant missionnaire auquel le pape François invite chaque membre de l’Église. Par une série de causeries au ton libre et chaleureux,...
Cover of Excusez-moi, je suis en deuil
by Jean Monbourquette, Isabelle D'Aspremont
Language: French
Release Date: April 19, 2011

Nos contemporains ont l'épiderme sensible: ils ne supportent pas que nous parlions de mort et de deuil, mots devenus tabous pour eux. Nous ne pouvons plus évoquer ces sujets sans créer chez nos vis-à-vis un climat d'ennui et de mélancolie, voire de dépression. Si le déni social de la mort et...
Cover of Grandir (Gros caractères)

Grandir (Gros caractères)

Aimer, perdre et grandir

by Jean Monbourquette
Language: French
Release Date: June 1, 2012

Ce livre qui s’est vendu à plus de 1 000 000 exemplaires et traduit dans plusieurs langues est un incontournable. Il s’adresse à ceux et celles qui vivent une perte quelles qu’elles soient. Grandir les accompagne sur la route qui s’ouvre alors devant eux.
Cover of Questions controversées sur la Bible
by Sébastien Doane, Serve Cazelais, Francis Daoust
Language: French
Release Date: October 1, 2016

Réponses intelligentes à des questions brûlantes sur la Bible! Jésus était-il marié ? Est-il vraiment né d’une vierge ? La Bible est-elle misogyne, ou alors homophobe ? De jeunes biblistes qui n’ont pas froid aux yeux répondent à ces questions délicates, et à d’autres encore, avec un grand sens de la nuance et dans une langue claire et accessible.
Cover of Les pages vertes de la Bible
by David Fines, Normand Lévesque
Language: French
Release Date: June 1, 2012

La protection de l'environnement est certes l'affaire des communautés chrétiennes. Elle est un appel que Dieu lance impérieusement à toutes les Églises. Si celles-ci n'y répondent pas, personne ne le fera à leur place; si elles ne montrent pas le chemin spirituel de la protection de la Création,...
Cover of Mais d'où vient la femme de Caïn ?

Mais d'où vient la femme de Caïn ?

Les récits insolites de la Bible

by Sébastien Doane
Language: French
Release Date: June 1, 2012

La Bible est un livre sacré. Les chrétiens y voient un livre inspiré par Dieu. Pourtant elle comporte son lot d’incohérence et de texte tout au moins surprenant. Comment alors l’interpréter? Cet ouvrage se veut une initiation à la lecture de la Bible par le biais de ses textes les plus insolites....
Cover of Les psaumes écologiques
by David Fines
Language: French
Release Date: September 28, 2012

Est-il possible de relire aujourd’hui les psaumes avec les yeux et la conscience écologiques de personnes du XXIe siècle? C’est à partir de ce questionnement que l’auteur a conçu son ouvrage. Il a choisi des textes qui, en entier ou en partie, contiennent des images et des visions bucoliques...
Cover of Cornerstones of Faith

Cornerstones of Faith

Reconciliation, Eucharist and Stewardship

by Thomas Cardinal Collins
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2013

Originally written as pastoral letters to the people of the Archdiocese of Edmonton, these reflections from Cardinal Collins offer all Canadian Catholics clear explanations of three core practices of Catholic life: Reconciliation, Eucharist and Stewardship. These practices help us live as disciples...
Cover of For Earth's Sake

For Earth's Sake

Toward a Compassionate Ecology

by Stephen Bede Scharper
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2013

We are bombarded by stories about environmental devastation and climate change. While scientists present their findings and governments wrestle with how to address the problems, we can feel helpless, angry, confused or sad. This book can help. In reflecting upon the faith and fate of the Earth, Stephen...
Cover of Faith and Science Matters
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2013

While plenty of books discuss the interrelationship between faith and science, few explore the many facets of the subject as this book does. Confronting common misconceptions surrounding Catholic thought on various scientific developments, this collection of essays by leading scholars and educators...
Cover of Singular Vision

Singular Vision

The Founding of the Catholic Church Extension Society of Canada 1908 to 1915

by Michael Power
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2013

The Catholic Church Extension Society of Canada, now called Catholic Missions in Canada, had its beginnings in 1908 during the settling of the Canadian West. Over a century later, the Society’s early history is explored in this dynamic narrative by renowned Church historian, Michael Power. Mining...
Cover of Discovering Trinity in Disability

Discovering Trinity in Disability

A Theology for Embracing Difference

by Myroslaw Tataryn, Maria Truchan-Tataryn
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2013

As parents of three daughters, two of whom are labeled disabled, the authors explore the Scriptures and writings of early Christian thinkers to challenge conventional attitudes – and fears – toward those who are different. Drawing on their respective doctorates in Theology and Literature and their...
Cover of The Ethical Being

The Ethical Being

A Catholic Guide to Contemporary Issues

by Scott Kline
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2013

Recognizing the tension between Catholicism’s rich tradition of moral thought in a society that has largely rejected the foundations from which it came, Kline seeks to provide Catholics with the tools to critically consider difficult issues in ethics. It is his belief that “Catholics have something...
Cover of Being A Man After God's Own Heart
by David Dayler
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2013

We are challenged to live our faith in a world driven by never-ending activity and the attainment of career success. In the midst of all this it is easy for us to lose sight of what we are called to be – persons of faith attentive to voice of God. While spiritual writing abounds for women seeking...
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