STARbooks Press is pleased to announce the re-release of BOYS ON THE PROWLHot men hot locations hot scenes hot sex hot on the prowl. STARbooks presents page after page of steamy stories about oversexed men who cannot get enough of a good thing and are always on the make. BOYS ON THE PROWL features the stories by legendary authors as Tony Anthony Mario Solano Thom Nickels and H.A. Bender just to name a few. As an added bonus this volume has COWPOKE TALES eight stories of lust on the range and HUSTLERS CONFESSIONS a series of stories about sex workers who never complain about being overworked.
STARbooks Press is pleased to announce the re-release of BOYS ON THE PROWLHot men hot locations hot scenes hot sex hot on the prowl. STARbooks presents page after page of steamy stories about oversexed men who cannot get enough of a good thing and are always on the make. BOYS ON THE PROWL features the stories by legendary authors as Tony Anthony Mario Solano Thom Nickels and H.A. Bender just to name a few. As an added bonus this volume has COWPOKE TALES eight stories of lust on the range and HUSTLERS CONFESSIONS a series of stories about sex workers who never complain about being overworked.