Why Scotland should be independent, what policies might be pursued by an independent Scotland, and so on. But as an academic might say, there is a gap in the literature: what about the case for Scotland remaining part of the UK? A New Union: Scotland in a Federal UK argues for a whole scale transformation of the famously uncodified British constitution. It advocates what proponents have dubbed a 'New Union', a UK federation in which Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England become sovereign states on a more equal footing. The author looks at the Scottish economy (why is higher tax considered anathema by all parties?), education (the mythology of Scotland having 'the best education system in the world' has outlived its usefulness), welfare (discourse in this area is, ironically, deeply conservative), the future of the media (the industry needs to get real about 'free' news), and a host of other important areas. It sets out to provoke a much-needed debate on what can be done - with or without independence - to make a Scotland a more equal, successful and prosperous country.
Why Scotland should be independent, what policies might be pursued by an independent Scotland, and so on. But as an academic might say, there is a gap in the literature: what about the case for Scotland remaining part of the UK? A New Union: Scotland in a Federal UK argues for a whole scale transformation of the famously uncodified British constitution. It advocates what proponents have dubbed a 'New Union', a UK federation in which Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England become sovereign states on a more equal footing. The author looks at the Scottish economy (why is higher tax considered anathema by all parties?), education (the mythology of Scotland having 'the best education system in the world' has outlived its usefulness), welfare (discourse in this area is, ironically, deeply conservative), the future of the media (the industry needs to get real about 'free' news), and a host of other important areas. It sets out to provoke a much-needed debate on what can be done - with or without independence - to make a Scotland a more equal, successful and prosperous country.