Known as Shawshin by the Native Americans who originally inhabited the region, the town of Burlington has a rich history dating to Colonial and Revolutionary War days. Drawing upon the John Fogelberg collection, the Burlington Historical Commission collection, and the Crawford collection of photographs, now housed in the Burlington Archives, this book presents a vision of Burlington that few will recognize. In Burlington, you will see the people, places, and events that are known today only as legends or place-names. Meet Marshall Simonds, whose generous gift in 1905 gave the town a beautiful park and Burlington Common, as well as its first high school. Experience how townspeople used to celebrate the Fourth of July with a large bonfire on the hill at Simonds Park. Learn of mysteries and disasters, such as the collapse of the parsonage building on the town common after a move in 1956. Explore the historic homes and the buildings and early businesses, which feature scenes from the Reed Ham Works to aerial views of the emerging Burlington Industrial Park. See the images of the Walker, Crawford, and Skelton farms, which showcase the town's fast-disappearing agricultural history.
Known as Shawshin by the Native Americans who originally inhabited the region, the town of Burlington has a rich history dating to Colonial and Revolutionary War days. Drawing upon the John Fogelberg collection, the Burlington Historical Commission collection, and the Crawford collection of photographs, now housed in the Burlington Archives, this book presents a vision of Burlington that few will recognize. In Burlington, you will see the people, places, and events that are known today only as legends or place-names. Meet Marshall Simonds, whose generous gift in 1905 gave the town a beautiful park and Burlington Common, as well as its first high school. Experience how townspeople used to celebrate the Fourth of July with a large bonfire on the hill at Simonds Park. Learn of mysteries and disasters, such as the collapse of the parsonage building on the town common after a move in 1956. Explore the historic homes and the buildings and early businesses, which feature scenes from the Reed Ham Works to aerial views of the emerging Burlington Industrial Park. See the images of the Walker, Crawford, and Skelton farms, which showcase the town's fast-disappearing agricultural history.