An unsentimental, fast-paced story of an eleven-year-old fending for himself during the World War II occupation of Holland. Fred describes the Battle of Arnhem raging overhead, near Gestapo misses, living in a chicken coop and an insane asylum, moving between 26 hiding places, and a mad dash across No Man's Land - all to stay out of Nazi hands. Fred's life-like reportage of his wartime memories touches veterans and modern day readers alike.
An unsentimental, fast-paced story of an eleven-year-old fending for himself during the World War II occupation of Holland. Fred describes the Battle of Arnhem raging overhead, near Gestapo misses, living in a chicken coop and an insane asylum, moving between 26 hiding places, and a mad dash across No Man's Land - all to stay out of Nazi hands. Fred's life-like reportage of his wartime memories touches veterans and modern day readers alike.