In part, the story revolves around a family named Delgado who operates a ruthless cocaine drug cartel that will stop at nothing to advance their drug empire. The oldest brother, Francisco has dreams of a grim reaper named Zutak. Zutak blackmails the Delgado family into altering their recipe used for the manufacturing of cocaine for two reasons; first to make his job easier, and second, because the modification replicates a drug found on his home planet. When Francisco ignores the dreams and the demands of the demon, Zutak causes the death of his beloved daughter in a horrific car accident. Eventually, Francisco convinces his family to abide by the demon’s demands. As a result, all of Hudson County, NJ is in a state of panic. Deaths attributed to cardiac arrest and beatings occur in epidemic proportions. Steve Madissow, a narcotics detective in Jersey City, NJ, was orphaned at an early age. He has been haunted for years by the voices of his dead parents calling out to him. Once the outbreak of deaths occurs in his jurisdiction, Steve receives visits from his Guardian Angel, Benny. Steve learns that he has been chosen to battle Zutak in the Netherworld.
In part, the story revolves around a family named Delgado who operates a ruthless cocaine drug cartel that will stop at nothing to advance their drug empire. The oldest brother, Francisco has dreams of a grim reaper named Zutak. Zutak blackmails the Delgado family into altering their recipe used for the manufacturing of cocaine for two reasons; first to make his job easier, and second, because the modification replicates a drug found on his home planet. When Francisco ignores the dreams and the demands of the demon, Zutak causes the death of his beloved daughter in a horrific car accident. Eventually, Francisco convinces his family to abide by the demon’s demands. As a result, all of Hudson County, NJ is in a state of panic. Deaths attributed to cardiac arrest and beatings occur in epidemic proportions. Steve Madissow, a narcotics detective in Jersey City, NJ, was orphaned at an early age. He has been haunted for years by the voices of his dead parents calling out to him. Once the outbreak of deaths occurs in his jurisdiction, Steve receives visits from his Guardian Angel, Benny. Steve learns that he has been chosen to battle Zutak in the Netherworld.