Cartoon Key To Heaven is a compelling series of easily understood concepts which lead the reader to conclude that the Catholic Church is the one true church. Starting with the existence of God and going through topics such as the immortality of the soul, the divinity of Christ and the establishment of an infallible church, Fr. Robert Shubert provides a remarkably simple presentation which can be easily understood by young and old alike.
Don't be fooled into thinking this is just a book for children. While it can certainly be used in CCD classes, it is also a valuable reference for adults. In a society that attacks the Catholic Church at every chance, this is tremendously powerful in preparing Catholics to defend the Faith.
Cartoon Key To Heaven is a compelling series of easily understood concepts which lead the reader to conclude that the Catholic Church is the one true church. Starting with the existence of God and going through topics such as the immortality of the soul, the divinity of Christ and the establishment of an infallible church, Fr. Robert Shubert provides a remarkably simple presentation which can be easily understood by young and old alike.
Don't be fooled into thinking this is just a book for children. While it can certainly be used in CCD classes, it is also a valuable reference for adults. In a society that attacks the Catholic Church at every chance, this is tremendously powerful in preparing Catholics to defend the Faith.