Thomas Murphy is a thirteen year old boy whose life has been turned upside down by the death of his sister and his sudden move to a new town. In the midst of this turmoil and angst he is starting a new school, making friends, and defending himself against a ruthless bully he learns he has a special gift. Thomas is able to enter into peoples dreams and lead them on their right path. He must listen, guide, protect, and defend his gift as a Caster. With all good that is brought through the Casters of the world, evil must follow. The Fallen are out to use their same powers to conjure wealth and manipulate the people of the world to do their bidding. The challenge and battle begins between the good and evil and it all happens in our dreams.
Thomas Murphy is a thirteen year old boy whose life has been turned upside down by the death of his sister and his sudden move to a new town. In the midst of this turmoil and angst he is starting a new school, making friends, and defending himself against a ruthless bully he learns he has a special gift. Thomas is able to enter into peoples dreams and lead them on their right path. He must listen, guide, protect, and defend his gift as a Caster. With all good that is brought through the Casters of the world, evil must follow. The Fallen are out to use their same powers to conjure wealth and manipulate the people of the world to do their bidding. The challenge and battle begins between the good and evil and it all happens in our dreams.