Celebrating Planet Earth, a Pagan/Christian Conversation explores the similarities and differences between these two paths. It will appeal to Pagans and Christians and students interested in making connections and bridging the divide. Issues are discussed from an academic view point with practical emphasis on personal spirituality and ritual practice. Contributors include leading figures in British Paganism, in the Christian Forest Church movement and academics in the field of religious studies and earth-centered Christianity. These include Philip Carr-Gomm, Graham Harvey and Philip Shallcrass (Greywolf). This book integrates aspects of Pagan and Christian traditions.
Celebrating Planet Earth, a Pagan/Christian Conversation explores the similarities and differences between these two paths. It will appeal to Pagans and Christians and students interested in making connections and bridging the divide. Issues are discussed from an academic view point with practical emphasis on personal spirituality and ritual practice. Contributors include leading figures in British Paganism, in the Christian Forest Church movement and academics in the field of religious studies and earth-centered Christianity. These include Philip Carr-Gomm, Graham Harvey and Philip Shallcrass (Greywolf). This book integrates aspects of Pagan and Christian traditions.