Life Without Love...
The impenetrable haze of Tôya's amnesia has always kept his past shrouded in mystery...until now, as his elusive memories begin to return. There was the island...the girl with the seashell...the name "Mikage." Tôya and the others go into full rescue mode in response to Aki's latest threats, facing gunfire, torture, and even death...but Aya faces life--new life. The hideous details of Kagami's "C-Project" make what was already an awful situation all but unbearable. How can anyone expect Aya to go on without her love, her life, her other self? Oh, Tôya....
Life Without Love...
The impenetrable haze of Tôya's amnesia has always kept his past shrouded in mystery...until now, as his elusive memories begin to return. There was the island...the girl with the seashell...the name "Mikage." Tôya and the others go into full rescue mode in response to Aki's latest threats, facing gunfire, torture, and even death...but Aya faces life--new life. The hideous details of Kagami's "C-Project" make what was already an awful situation all but unbearable. How can anyone expect Aya to go on without her love, her life, her other self? Oh, Tôya....