Eleven-year-old Champa lives with her family in a village on the banks of a river in Punjab. She is a dreamer, obsessed with the idea of seeing the world beyond her little village of Chanderpur. One day she has the opportunity to visit her Masi (Aunt), in Jaipur. With her Aunt and Uncle, Champa sets out to discover the beauty and colours of Rajasthan; its rich heritage and culture; and its legends and festivals. Much to her joy, she once again meets Gajra, her gypsy friend, and together the girls have the time of their lives on the sands of Rajasthan ...
Eleven-year-old Champa lives with her family in a village on the banks of a river in Punjab. She is a dreamer, obsessed with the idea of seeing the world beyond her little village of Chanderpur. One day she has the opportunity to visit her Masi (Aunt), in Jaipur. With her Aunt and Uncle, Champa sets out to discover the beauty and colours of Rajasthan; its rich heritage and culture; and its legends and festivals. Much to her joy, she once again meets Gajra, her gypsy friend, and together the girls have the time of their lives on the sands of Rajasthan ...