Writer and tradesman George Sturt spent most of his life living and working in his ancestral village, Farnham, located in pastoral southeast England. With the advent of the twentieth century and its attendant luxuries and technologies, Sturt noticed changes creeping into a place where traditions and ways of life had remained largely unchanged for hundreds of years. He documents this shift in the fascinating volume Change in the Village, a series of closely observed essays about the transition from an agrarian to and industrial way of life -- and its far-reaching implications.
Writer and tradesman George Sturt spent most of his life living and working in his ancestral village, Farnham, located in pastoral southeast England. With the advent of the twentieth century and its attendant luxuries and technologies, Sturt noticed changes creeping into a place where traditions and ways of life had remained largely unchanged for hundreds of years. He documents this shift in the fascinating volume Change in the Village, a series of closely observed essays about the transition from an agrarian to and industrial way of life -- and its far-reaching implications.