Clarksville, Tennessee, has undergone a colossal metamorphosis since the 1700s, when men like Sevier, Montgomery, and Renfroe fought Native Americans along the Cumberland and Red Rivers. Though these founding fathers would not recognize the present rivers, nor the hills upon which Clarksville has grown, Clarksvillians have kept an awareness of their rich past, bridging their lives with those of the early frontiersmen. Today, Clarksville eclectically blends both metropolitan and rural settings to offer residents the best of both worlds.
Clarksville, Tennessee, has undergone a colossal metamorphosis since the 1700s, when men like Sevier, Montgomery, and Renfroe fought Native Americans along the Cumberland and Red Rivers. Though these founding fathers would not recognize the present rivers, nor the hills upon which Clarksville has grown, Clarksvillians have kept an awareness of their rich past, bridging their lives with those of the early frontiersmen. Today, Clarksville eclectically blends both metropolitan and rural settings to offer residents the best of both worlds.