When originally published in 1959, this marvelous collection of dog stories compiled by the late humorist Corey Ford was an immediate bestseller.
For his edition, Ford selected pieces written by his friends and contemporaries whose names appeared on the mastheads of The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Life, and Colliers.
The names read like a Who's Who of humor: Thurber, Benchley. Wodehouse, White, Woollcott, Marquis.
Ford also provided balance with stories from Steinbeck, Lardner, Lawrence and others. including his own superbly poignant, classic short, "The Road to Tinkhamtown," presented here in its original version.
When originally published in 1959, this marvelous collection of dog stories compiled by the late humorist Corey Ford was an immediate bestseller.
For his edition, Ford selected pieces written by his friends and contemporaries whose names appeared on the mastheads of The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Life, and Colliers.
The names read like a Who's Who of humor: Thurber, Benchley. Wodehouse, White, Woollcott, Marquis.
Ford also provided balance with stories from Steinbeck, Lardner, Lawrence and others. including his own superbly poignant, classic short, "The Road to Tinkhamtown," presented here in its original version.