A classic story of the endless battle between the North and the South of England, Come Back With the Wind tells a humorous tale of how the threat of an embargo on whiskey sales to the South leads to civil war and a possible permanent split between the two proud regions. The late Les Dawson author, beloved television comedian and game show host has created a timeless account of love, honour and alcohol that sits perfectly in the great chronicles of the struggles of the NorthSouth divide. Battle lines will be drawn, friendships and family ties tested and kegs tapped as the path to war approaches, albeit with a hiccough or two.
A classic story of the endless battle between the North and the South of England, Come Back With the Wind tells a humorous tale of how the threat of an embargo on whiskey sales to the South leads to civil war and a possible permanent split between the two proud regions. The late Les Dawson author, beloved television comedian and game show host has created a timeless account of love, honour and alcohol that sits perfectly in the great chronicles of the struggles of the NorthSouth divide. Battle lines will be drawn, friendships and family ties tested and kegs tapped as the path to war approaches, albeit with a hiccough or two.