Born and bred to be crewkin Renna is devastated by the death of her ship and her kin. When her companys medical department advises the few remaining survivors to commit suicide and join their kin in death Renna refuses. Knowing she can never join another crewkin she seeks a berth on one of the short-haul shippers running cargo hauls between the planets. Integration into norm crew seems impossible until she joins the crew of the Vagrant Spirit. Her captain seems as desperate for any capable crewman as Renna is for a ships position. This job this journey will propel her into a new world. There is nothing so true as change is inevitable. Rumours of a new engine capable of thrusting a ship greater distances in a fraction of the time a crewkin ship takes threatens Markham Companys business. There is only one thing left to doget rid of the evidence the last survivor and anyone else who threatens discovery.
Born and bred to be crewkin Renna is devastated by the death of her ship and her kin. When her companys medical department advises the few remaining survivors to commit suicide and join their kin in death Renna refuses. Knowing she can never join another crewkin she seeks a berth on one of the short-haul shippers running cargo hauls between the planets. Integration into norm crew seems impossible until she joins the crew of the Vagrant Spirit. Her captain seems as desperate for any capable crewman as Renna is for a ships position. This job this journey will propel her into a new world. There is nothing so true as change is inevitable. Rumours of a new engine capable of thrusting a ship greater distances in a fraction of the time a crewkin ship takes threatens Markham Companys business. There is only one thing left to doget rid of the evidence the last survivor and anyone else who threatens discovery.