This volume (ebook edition) contains, presented in the beloved and familiar English of the King James Bible, the complete lessons appointed for reading each day in the divine Office at Matins (1-3 Nocturns), Lauds, and Vespers, according to the old and venerable use of the cathedral of Magdeburg (1613). It is a lectio continua system, in which consecutive chapters or half-chapters are read each day, morning and evening, until completion of the book. In this way the most notable books of the Old Testament, along with the New Testament Epistles, are read in one year. This was not designed to be an exhaustive reading of the Bible, but to coordinate with the historic church year (taking the Sunday Gospels & Epistles into account) and its seasonal themes.
This volume (ebook edition) contains, presented in the beloved and familiar English of the King James Bible, the complete lessons appointed for reading each day in the divine Office at Matins (1-3 Nocturns), Lauds, and Vespers, according to the old and venerable use of the cathedral of Magdeburg (1613). It is a lectio continua system, in which consecutive chapters or half-chapters are read each day, morning and evening, until completion of the book. In this way the most notable books of the Old Testament, along with the New Testament Epistles, are read in one year. This was not designed to be an exhaustive reading of the Bible, but to coordinate with the historic church year (taking the Sunday Gospels & Epistles into account) and its seasonal themes.