Vikram Bhagwat at 22 with his engineering degree and decent job was already ready to create history. But on that stormy night while Pune was in its deep sleep and nature was on in its full song evil strikes at him. On that day his life changed completely. He was arrested on charges of stealing IP and cheating organization. Though he gets bail, he was outcasted from the IT community; his dream was shattered in no time. As he battled against the red wolves in society while hiding in dormitories in suburbs he kept learning. The young and beautiful lawyer, Nupur, fought battles for him. Their passionate love story blossoms amidst all upheavals. This is not about business IP or the corporate world; rather it is the odyssey of a man in search of truth... The plot is a brilliantly drawn journey through the complexities of tumultuous economic growth and the amazing atmospheres of rural India... Matteo Olivieri PhD, - Italian Writer, Economist and Orator. This sensitive author expresses his feelings and professional wisdom through this poetic novel of realist fiction. It nicely combines intense and delightful moments...- Hector Gomez Gauchia, PhD Spanish writer. It’s quite amazing how this entire thriller unfolds in to several layers of emotions...- Mr. Sameer Kulkarni, Executive Producer, On Air Promotions, Star India Pvt.Ltd
Vikram Bhagwat at 22 with his engineering degree and decent job was already ready to create history. But on that stormy night while Pune was in its deep sleep and nature was on in its full song evil strikes at him. On that day his life changed completely. He was arrested on charges of stealing IP and cheating organization. Though he gets bail, he was outcasted from the IT community; his dream was shattered in no time. As he battled against the red wolves in society while hiding in dormitories in suburbs he kept learning. The young and beautiful lawyer, Nupur, fought battles for him. Their passionate love story blossoms amidst all upheavals. This is not about business IP or the corporate world; rather it is the odyssey of a man in search of truth... The plot is a brilliantly drawn journey through the complexities of tumultuous economic growth and the amazing atmospheres of rural India... Matteo Olivieri PhD, - Italian Writer, Economist and Orator. This sensitive author expresses his feelings and professional wisdom through this poetic novel of realist fiction. It nicely combines intense and delightful moments...- Hector Gomez Gauchia, PhD Spanish writer. It’s quite amazing how this entire thriller unfolds in to several layers of emotions...- Mr. Sameer Kulkarni, Executive Producer, On Air Promotions, Star India Pvt.Ltd