The present modernization has made everyone’s lives smooth and comfortable, but has deprived people of inner joy and bliss.
The young children get misled and indulged in unwarranted activities affecting peace and happiness of such families and in turn societies at large.
Women are the precious entities as potent rescuers who can redeem the situation. If they are allowed to play their effective role as moulders of young minds many of the burning problems which are the offshoots of misguiding of vulnerable youth can be curbed to a great extent: and so don’t panic.
It is common experience by most of us to slide down quite often into our unforgettable painful memories, from which one suffocates with stress, tension and anxiety.
Don’t Panic is an exploration of all the possibilities through convincing fiction as well as non-fiction short stories to improve upon not only present but past and future too.
The present modernization has made everyone’s lives smooth and comfortable, but has deprived people of inner joy and bliss.
The young children get misled and indulged in unwarranted activities affecting peace and happiness of such families and in turn societies at large.
Women are the precious entities as potent rescuers who can redeem the situation. If they are allowed to play their effective role as moulders of young minds many of the burning problems which are the offshoots of misguiding of vulnerable youth can be curbed to a great extent: and so don’t panic.
It is common experience by most of us to slide down quite often into our unforgettable painful memories, from which one suffocates with stress, tension and anxiety.
Don’t Panic is an exploration of all the possibilities through convincing fiction as well as non-fiction short stories to improve upon not only present but past and future too.