A complex tale of love, lust, betrayal, and hatred, Driven is the story of Charlotte, a divorced mother of two, who meets Edward, also a divorcee, in a chance encounter at a grocery store. The two are stirred by an irresistible attraction to one another that neither can fight. But sometimes its difficult for love to find its way; especially when Charlottes controlling ex-husband Trevon finds out shes dating and becomes insane with jealousy. The extent of his rage becomes evident in increasingly violent ways.----Edward is also dealing with his own complications from his previous marriage, as well as a pair of managers at his network of auto dealerships that are attempting to undermine his business. Things go from bad to worse for Edward when he finds that his ex-wifes new boyfriend has molested his daughter.----Although love can arise at the most unexpected of times and places, it can also be tested. For a love to survive such adversities, it must be true and Driven.
A complex tale of love, lust, betrayal, and hatred, Driven is the story of Charlotte, a divorced mother of two, who meets Edward, also a divorcee, in a chance encounter at a grocery store. The two are stirred by an irresistible attraction to one another that neither can fight. But sometimes its difficult for love to find its way; especially when Charlottes controlling ex-husband Trevon finds out shes dating and becomes insane with jealousy. The extent of his rage becomes evident in increasingly violent ways.----Edward is also dealing with his own complications from his previous marriage, as well as a pair of managers at his network of auto dealerships that are attempting to undermine his business. Things go from bad to worse for Edward when he finds that his ex-wifes new boyfriend has molested his daughter.----Although love can arise at the most unexpected of times and places, it can also be tested. For a love to survive such adversities, it must be true and Driven.