This is the true story of Edith Garrud, the woman who taught jujutsu to the secret "Bodyguard" society of the English Suffragette movement during the early years of the 20th century. The Suffragettes used radical tactics to win the right of women to vote in national elections. Edith and her "Jujutsuffragettes" had many adventures protecting their leaders from being arrested or assaulted. Sometimes they used clever tricks and disguises, and sometimes they battled hand-to-hand against police and angry crowds. With 29 illustrations; suggested for readers aged 12 and older.
This is the true story of Edith Garrud, the woman who taught jujutsu to the secret "Bodyguard" society of the English Suffragette movement during the early years of the 20th century. The Suffragettes used radical tactics to win the right of women to vote in national elections. Edith and her "Jujutsuffragettes" had many adventures protecting their leaders from being arrested or assaulted. Sometimes they used clever tricks and disguises, and sometimes they battled hand-to-hand against police and angry crowds. With 29 illustrations; suggested for readers aged 12 and older.