Art & Life contains extracts from diaries, letters, essays, travelogues and poetry written by Elizabeth Durack (19152000) over the course of seven decades. With wit and candour, the writing reveals some of the most important influences and episodes and the paradox of her life. Durack read and travelled widely and drew inspiration from many sources: from the men and women she knew; from classical Western and ancient Aboriginal traditions; and from contemporary politics. I can’t really live without Eddie Burrup now. He has become a part of me Me in fact. I can’t go on, or get on, without him. I know he is an antiquated version of Aboriginality and that the Albert Barungas & Co now lie in the past, yet I hoped this ilk could live on: gidgi-gidgi h’arm-in-h’arm, blackfellawhitefella that the right way. About the Author: Perpetua Durack Clancy, daughter of Elizabeth and Frank, was born in Sydney NSW. She attended Loreto Convent in Melbourne and Perth and is a graduate of the UWA. She has been a teacher and art curator in many parts of Australia and the world. She lives now in the hills northeast of Perth, Western Australia.
Art & Life contains extracts from diaries, letters, essays, travelogues and poetry written by Elizabeth Durack (19152000) over the course of seven decades. With wit and candour, the writing reveals some of the most important influences and episodes and the paradox of her life. Durack read and travelled widely and drew inspiration from many sources: from the men and women she knew; from classical Western and ancient Aboriginal traditions; and from contemporary politics. I can’t really live without Eddie Burrup now. He has become a part of me Me in fact. I can’t go on, or get on, without him. I know he is an antiquated version of Aboriginality and that the Albert Barungas & Co now lie in the past, yet I hoped this ilk could live on: gidgi-gidgi h’arm-in-h’arm, blackfellawhitefella that the right way. About the Author: Perpetua Durack Clancy, daughter of Elizabeth and Frank, was born in Sydney NSW. She attended Loreto Convent in Melbourne and Perth and is a graduate of the UWA. She has been a teacher and art curator in many parts of Australia and the world. She lives now in the hills northeast of Perth, Western Australia.