Burnett's two-part rags-to-riches tale Emily Fox-Seton (1901) presents the story of a well-mannered but impoverished lady who is distantly related to the aristocracy. As she gets a job as a servant to her wealthy relatives she is joyous beyond words and the attentions she receives from a wealthy Marquis go a long way in appeasing for the harrowing past. The work follows her post-nuptial life and the troubles brought on by Alec Osborn.
Burnett's two-part rags-to-riches tale Emily Fox-Seton (1901) presents the story of a well-mannered but impoverished lady who is distantly related to the aristocracy. As she gets a job as a servant to her wealthy relatives she is joyous beyond words and the attentions she receives from a wealthy Marquis go a long way in appeasing for the harrowing past. The work follows her post-nuptial life and the troubles brought on by Alec Osborn.