Featherfoot, Space Marine, 67,000+ words, is a science-fiction tale taking place roughly two hundred years in the future. The story revolves around Charles Featherfoot, a native American who joins the Space Marines as he seeks his destiny upon finding that there are no openings in the Galactic Ecoleers. Because his father invoked a request for an ancestor to guide him, Charles finds his path guided and protected by the spirit of an ancient chief of his tribe who was killed in the mistaken belief that he had wronged the tribe. With some of the restraining amulets removed, Malakei's spirit is free to wander as far as it needs in order to help others of his tribe. Consequently, he's on hand to give advice to Featherfoot so that the young brave will excel in becoming a warrior. When Charles meets a beautiful, young cadet, Malakei counsels him on enjoying her company but to not fall in love with her because of a secret even she doesn't know about herself that will eventually bring sadness to him.
Featherfoot, Space Marine, 67,000+ words, is a science-fiction tale taking place roughly two hundred years in the future. The story revolves around Charles Featherfoot, a native American who joins the Space Marines as he seeks his destiny upon finding that there are no openings in the Galactic Ecoleers. Because his father invoked a request for an ancestor to guide him, Charles finds his path guided and protected by the spirit of an ancient chief of his tribe who was killed in the mistaken belief that he had wronged the tribe. With some of the restraining amulets removed, Malakei's spirit is free to wander as far as it needs in order to help others of his tribe. Consequently, he's on hand to give advice to Featherfoot so that the young brave will excel in becoming a warrior. When Charles meets a beautiful, young cadet, Malakei counsels him on enjoying her company but to not fall in love with her because of a secret even she doesn't know about herself that will eventually bring sadness to him.