From this the very outset, Duns Scotus present us with a dichotomy; displaying before us, our true inability coupled with a truism. In this work, this approach and response is the hallmark of his works. Scotus present his theology/philosophical treaties his ideas of formal distinction and rational distinctions. That is to say the"distinct form" exists midway between the distinct rationality. However, Scotus expounds on his views concerning form and matter. Duns Scotus proposes three important issues, which that sets himself apart from some other philosophers of his day. These are 1) He holds that there exists matter that has no form whatsoever. 2) Not all created substances are composites of form and matter. 3) One and the same substance can have more than one substantial form. This work is a must work for any serious philisophical buff, avid student of theological or any individual who has a real need to know.
From this the very outset, Duns Scotus present us with a dichotomy; displaying before us, our true inability coupled with a truism. In this work, this approach and response is the hallmark of his works. Scotus present his theology/philosophical treaties his ideas of formal distinction and rational distinctions. That is to say the"distinct form" exists midway between the distinct rationality. However, Scotus expounds on his views concerning form and matter. Duns Scotus proposes three important issues, which that sets himself apart from some other philosophers of his day. These are 1) He holds that there exists matter that has no form whatsoever. 2) Not all created substances are composites of form and matter. 3) One and the same substance can have more than one substantial form. This work is a must work for any serious philisophical buff, avid student of theological or any individual who has a real need to know.