Four friends living on a small island in the Caribbean in a town named Port Argyle are literally washed into a treasure hunt as a hurricane ravages their home. They set out on a quest to seek a long lost treasure of a famous pirate known only as DeLeon. This quest is started to restore their damaged lives and lands and hopefully bring a bit of missing excitement to their lives. Greggy, Twitch, and Pete, let by Master Flint, must use their knowledge and wits at every turn they take. The journey quickly escalates into more than a simple quest for wealth and pleasure as the friends must endure much more than they bargained for. Pirates, adventure, and treasure await our unknowing band of friends on their unexpected voyage into the wild new world at sea.
Four friends living on a small island in the Caribbean in a town named Port Argyle are literally washed into a treasure hunt as a hurricane ravages their home. They set out on a quest to seek a long lost treasure of a famous pirate known only as DeLeon. This quest is started to restore their damaged lives and lands and hopefully bring a bit of missing excitement to their lives. Greggy, Twitch, and Pete, let by Master Flint, must use their knowledge and wits at every turn they take. The journey quickly escalates into more than a simple quest for wealth and pleasure as the friends must endure much more than they bargained for. Pirates, adventure, and treasure await our unknowing band of friends on their unexpected voyage into the wild new world at sea.