Footprints of an Angel is the story of a man in search of his angel. His search begins with various events in his life that he finds difficult to explain. The fact that they happened is incontrovertible, but how did they happen? On close inspection, the most obvious causes are indefensible. Again and again, he discovers that major turning points in his life were not well thought out or carefully planned. Indeed, they seemed to happen largely by accident, the results of coincidence or even a series of miracles. The author uncovered a startling number of such accidents. They seemed to occur in a meaningful sequence, too purposeful to ignore. Following this story, the reader witnesses how the evidence grows and offers increasing conviction that an angel is functioning and acting in his life, revealing a relationship between angels and human life on Earth. The author offers each piece of information taken from direct inquiry into his life storyfootprints that reveal the presence of an angel. Footprints of an Angel will encourage readers to look with fresh eyes at their own livesnot superficially, but with special attention to turning points and the intricate details leading to actual events. People often say, The devil is in the details. This book shows that the angel is also present in the details of our lives.
Footprints of an Angel is the story of a man in search of his angel. His search begins with various events in his life that he finds difficult to explain. The fact that they happened is incontrovertible, but how did they happen? On close inspection, the most obvious causes are indefensible. Again and again, he discovers that major turning points in his life were not well thought out or carefully planned. Indeed, they seemed to happen largely by accident, the results of coincidence or even a series of miracles. The author uncovered a startling number of such accidents. They seemed to occur in a meaningful sequence, too purposeful to ignore. Following this story, the reader witnesses how the evidence grows and offers increasing conviction that an angel is functioning and acting in his life, revealing a relationship between angels and human life on Earth. The author offers each piece of information taken from direct inquiry into his life storyfootprints that reveal the presence of an angel. Footprints of an Angel will encourage readers to look with fresh eyes at their own livesnot superficially, but with special attention to turning points and the intricate details leading to actual events. People often say, The devil is in the details. This book shows that the angel is also present in the details of our lives.