James inadvertently sets himself to the life of a cuckold when he invests his and his wife Beverly’s meager savings in Mitch’s firm. The financial golden boy doesn’t normally take small investments, but after seeing Beverly’s photo, Mitch knows the easiest way to get between her legs is to make her husband an irresistible offer: he will make them millions, in exchange for Beverly becoming his slut. James agrees but does not tell Beverly until the day Mitch comes to collect his ‘commission.’ He invites the couple to his penthouse, announces their money has multiplied, but tells them it isn’t theirs until he’s taken Beverly. Beverly is furious, but she is about to discover that one taste of Mitch’s monster cock will change her mind. As for poor cuckold James? He’s made a deal with the devil and now, he has to sit and watch as Mitch takes his wife… a wife determined to make him pay for his mistake.
James inadvertently sets himself to the life of a cuckold when he invests his and his wife Beverly’s meager savings in Mitch’s firm. The financial golden boy doesn’t normally take small investments, but after seeing Beverly’s photo, Mitch knows the easiest way to get between her legs is to make her husband an irresistible offer: he will make them millions, in exchange for Beverly becoming his slut. James agrees but does not tell Beverly until the day Mitch comes to collect his ‘commission.’ He invites the couple to his penthouse, announces their money has multiplied, but tells them it isn’t theirs until he’s taken Beverly. Beverly is furious, but she is about to discover that one taste of Mitch’s monster cock will change her mind. As for poor cuckold James? He’s made a deal with the devil and now, he has to sit and watch as Mitch takes his wife… a wife determined to make him pay for his mistake.