Most of our troubles are due to our smallness. Paul recognized that enlargement was the solution to those very great problems at Corinth, and you know what the problems were and the difficulties which confronted him. ...It is true so often that the collapse of things in different realms has been because there was no one big enough to cope with them. If only there had been someone of adequate measure to grapple with it, the situation would have been saved. This is a day when all sorts of maladies are troubling the Church and upsetting Christianity. We need not mention them, for we are conscious of them, but they are mainly due to a lack of spiritual greatness, or, to put it again the other way, they are due to pettiness and smallness. The only way out is enlargement, a new horizon, and a new sense of the greatness of that into which we, as Christians, are brought.
Most of our troubles are due to our smallness. Paul recognized that enlargement was the solution to those very great problems at Corinth, and you know what the problems were and the difficulties which confronted him. ...It is true so often that the collapse of things in different realms has been because there was no one big enough to cope with them. If only there had been someone of adequate measure to grapple with it, the situation would have been saved. This is a day when all sorts of maladies are troubling the Church and upsetting Christianity. We need not mention them, for we are conscious of them, but they are mainly due to a lack of spiritual greatness, or, to put it again the other way, they are due to pettiness and smallness. The only way out is enlargement, a new horizon, and a new sense of the greatness of that into which we, as Christians, are brought.