There are some persons who have faced deep derailing life traumas over an extended period of time. Some of these people, for no more reason than keeping a diary for personal recollection or for some other pointed private reason, are given to chronicling events relating to their varied states of emotional turmoil whilst in the teeth of their dizzying and debilitating past experiences. Karla Gonzales in her new book, From Tears to Lip Gloss - A Journey through My Heart, presents just such material in her thought provoking compilation of essays, prose and poetry recording a stark diversity of feminine moods as she traverses a vast expanse of personal life's dilemmas ranging from the pits of pain to the peaks of pleasure. Dashed emotions can spawn seemingly disparate and incoherent thoughts and desires that appear irretrievably scattered. This state can give a disconcerting sense of the loss of mental equilibrium in life's perpetual quests. However, instead of resignation to the role of being just another victim of her own personal plight, Karla's anthology inspires hope. Every written thought shows that each diverse expression of the author's uncovered being is still strung together by a common inner thematic and lively passion. This positive conclusion is evidenced with her senses seen as being gathered together to ensure her feminine survival - as illustrated in the essay, 'The Soul Of Me' pg. 25. Therefore, far from a life being extinguished by the fearsome deluge of relational breakdown, anxieties and even death, From Tears to Lip Gloss highlights that adversity can also ignite new flames of life never before imagined.
There are some persons who have faced deep derailing life traumas over an extended period of time. Some of these people, for no more reason than keeping a diary for personal recollection or for some other pointed private reason, are given to chronicling events relating to their varied states of emotional turmoil whilst in the teeth of their dizzying and debilitating past experiences. Karla Gonzales in her new book, From Tears to Lip Gloss - A Journey through My Heart, presents just such material in her thought provoking compilation of essays, prose and poetry recording a stark diversity of feminine moods as she traverses a vast expanse of personal life's dilemmas ranging from the pits of pain to the peaks of pleasure. Dashed emotions can spawn seemingly disparate and incoherent thoughts and desires that appear irretrievably scattered. This state can give a disconcerting sense of the loss of mental equilibrium in life's perpetual quests. However, instead of resignation to the role of being just another victim of her own personal plight, Karla's anthology inspires hope. Every written thought shows that each diverse expression of the author's uncovered being is still strung together by a common inner thematic and lively passion. This positive conclusion is evidenced with her senses seen as being gathered together to ensure her feminine survival - as illustrated in the essay, 'The Soul Of Me' pg. 25. Therefore, far from a life being extinguished by the fearsome deluge of relational breakdown, anxieties and even death, From Tears to Lip Gloss highlights that adversity can also ignite new flames of life never before imagined.