Gaston de Blondeville" by Ann Radcliffe was first published posthumously in 1826. This mysterious account revolves around a character named "Gaston" who is being accused of the murder of a merchant's kinsman. Revealing political historical and religious aspects of contemporary age the story presents an amalgamation of suspense and mystery. Portraying human frailties the tale becomes more fascinating by the entry of real ghosts and disclosure of truth in it.
Gaston de Blondeville" by Ann Radcliffe was first published posthumously in 1826. This mysterious account revolves around a character named "Gaston" who is being accused of the murder of a merchant's kinsman. Revealing political historical and religious aspects of contemporary age the story presents an amalgamation of suspense and mystery. Portraying human frailties the tale becomes more fascinating by the entry of real ghosts and disclosure of truth in it.