Seemed like things couldn't get better with Jadi and Jo-jo. Jadi a high-powered exec at the renowned MMW PR firm, and Jo-jo the ideal wife were satisfied with their lives...or so they thought. While Jadi managed to become her best friend's emotional fail safe, Jo-jo discovered she was her husband's trophy wife. Two women living separate lives begin to embark on a journey of self-love and acceptance. Although appearing to be a cookie-cutter scenario, their problem lies in the need to screw everything moving; the neighbor, co-workers, men in chat rooms, best friends... A Tale of Two Spirits is book one of three in the Gemini Moon Rising series. A captivating story, the Gemini Moon Rising series is erotic, emotion-filled, and packed with action that will draw you deeper into the lives of these two women.
Seemed like things couldn't get better with Jadi and Jo-jo. Jadi a high-powered exec at the renowned MMW PR firm, and Jo-jo the ideal wife were satisfied with their lives...or so they thought. While Jadi managed to become her best friend's emotional fail safe, Jo-jo discovered she was her husband's trophy wife. Two women living separate lives begin to embark on a journey of self-love and acceptance. Although appearing to be a cookie-cutter scenario, their problem lies in the need to screw everything moving; the neighbor, co-workers, men in chat rooms, best friends... A Tale of Two Spirits is book one of three in the Gemini Moon Rising series. A captivating story, the Gemini Moon Rising series is erotic, emotion-filled, and packed with action that will draw you deeper into the lives of these two women.