Goodbye Mrs. Robinson is an Irish, very black comedy about a brother and sister who find themselves in a very complex plot to claim money from their foster mother's insurance. Set in Galway, West Ireland this novella is about two orphaned children Aoife and Conor trying to break free from their contrary foster mother, Helen Robinson.
If you liked In Bruges and The Guard you'll enjoy this latest book from Fiona O'Malley.
Half of the money raised from book sales will go to one of Fiona's favourite charities - GOAL.
Goodbye Mrs. Robinson is an Irish, very black comedy about a brother and sister who find themselves in a very complex plot to claim money from their foster mother's insurance. Set in Galway, West Ireland this novella is about two orphaned children Aoife and Conor trying to break free from their contrary foster mother, Helen Robinson.
If you liked In Bruges and The Guard you'll enjoy this latest book from Fiona O'Malley.
Half of the money raised from book sales will go to one of Fiona's favourite charities - GOAL.