Before shelling out a lot of money, or even a paltry sum, on buying chickens and all the equipment that goes with it you might benefit from reading this guide. Whilst not aiming to be a definitive guide to rearing chickens it is based on real life experience by a hobbie chicken keeper who has cunningly distilled his hard earned knowledge into 12 specific questions which, after reading the accompanying wisdom will help you to avoid some of the potentially expensive problems that some people have suffered by inadequate consideration.
Before shelling out a lot of money, or even a paltry sum, on buying chickens and all the equipment that goes with it you might benefit from reading this guide. Whilst not aiming to be a definitive guide to rearing chickens it is based on real life experience by a hobbie chicken keeper who has cunningly distilled his hard earned knowledge into 12 specific questions which, after reading the accompanying wisdom will help you to avoid some of the potentially expensive problems that some people have suffered by inadequate consideration.